AWS Amplify is a powerful framework that makes it easy to build full-stack web and mobile applications on AWS.

It simplifies common tasks like authentication, data storage, and API management, allowing developers to focus on building great user experiences.

Learning AWS Amplify can unlock a world of possibilities, enabling you to build scalable and secure applications with ease.

Finding the right AWS Amplify course on Udemy can be a daunting task.

With so many options available, it’s difficult to determine which one will provide the best learning experience.

You want a course that is comprehensive, engaging, and taught by experts who can guide you through the complexities of this framework.

We’ve reviewed countless courses and have identified AWS AppSync & Amplify with React & GraphQL - Complete Guide as the best course on Udemy overall.

This course stands out for its comprehensive approach, covering a wide range of topics from the fundamentals of GraphQL and AppSync to building a fully functional blog application using React and Amplify.

It also includes practical exercises and real-world projects, making it an ideal choice for both beginners and experienced developers.

This is just the beginning of our recommendations for AWS Amplify courses on Udemy.

We’ve got plenty of other options to explore, including courses tailored to specific frameworks, learning styles, and goals.

Keep reading to discover the perfect course for your journey and start building amazing applications with AWS Amplify today.

AWS AppSync & Amplify with React & GraphQL - Complete Guide

AWS AppSync & Amplify with React & GraphQL - Complete Guide

You’ll start by setting up your development environment, ensuring you have the necessary tools like VSCode and the AWS Amplify CLI.

The course then dives into the fundamentals of GraphQL, teaching you how to create schemas, write queries and mutations, and understand various data types.

You’ll then embark on building your first GraphQL project, connecting it to an external database like MongoDB Atlas using Mongoose.

You’ll learn how to create models for users, posts, and hobbies, and gain experience in saving and retrieving data from the database.

The course then transitions into the exciting realm of AWS AppSync and Amplify.

You’ll learn how to create a GraphQL API within the AppSync console and leverage resolvers to connect your API to your backend database.

You’ll gain an understanding of the system architecture and how AppSync integrates seamlessly with other AWS services.

Finally, you’ll put your acquired knowledge into practice by building a fully functional blog application using NextJS, TailwindCSS, and Amplify.

You’ll learn how to authenticate users with Amazon Cognito, store images on Amazon S3, and implement features like commenting and subscriptions.

The course will guide you through deploying your completed application to AWS Hosting.

This course is well-structured and provides a solid foundation in GraphQL, AppSync, and Amplify.

You’ll learn by doing, gaining practical experience through building a real-world application.

AWS Amplify Studio Masterclass - Visually Build UI & Backend

AWS Amplify Studio Masterclass - Visually Build UI & Backend

This course is a deep dive into the exciting world of AWS Amplify Studio, a powerful tool for building both front-end and back-end applications.

You’ll start with a strong foundation, learning the fundamentals of Amplify Studio and its CLI, the command-line interface.

The course guides you through setting up your development environment and configuring your essential tools, including the Amplify CLI.

You’ll then jump right into building a full-stack application using the Petstore example.

The course takes a practical approach, using Figma for UI design and seamlessly integrating it with React components.

You’ll learn how to bind UI elements to your data models, a crucial skill for creating dynamic applications.

As you progress, you’ll build a complete user experience, adding a navbar and footer, extending components with React props, and even implementing advanced features like event handlers and custom styling.

You’ll apply these skills to create an interactive “Add Pet” form, enabling users to add new pets to their collection.

Beyond building the front-end, the course explores essential concepts like user authentication and authorization.

You’ll learn to implement secure login and logout features using AWS Cognito and DynamoDB, as well as implement robust authorization rules to control user access to data.

You’ll also delve into AWS Amplify’s storage capabilities, mastering the art of storing files in S3, AWS’s cloud storage service.

The course explores content management, allowing you to easily manage and update content within your application.

The course concludes with a hands-on session on deploying your app using Amplify Hosting, bringing all your hard work to life.

This course provides a comprehensive and practical guide to building full-stack applications with AWS Amplify Studio.

React & AWS Amplify build a complete serverless app w/ CI/CD

React & AWS Amplify build a complete serverless app w/ CI/CD

You’ll begin by setting up your development environment, including the Amplify CLI, and creating your React application foundation.

From there, you’ll dive into the core of Amplify, deploying your React website to the Amplify Console and establishing a robust CI/CD pipeline for your project.

Next, you’ll tackle authentication, creating a secure backend using AWS Cognito and seamlessly integrating it into your React app.

The course then introduces GraphQL, empowering you to construct a GraphQL API with Amplify and efficiently query data from AppSync within your React application.

You’ll also discover how to enhance your app’s user interface with the powerful Semantic-UI React library.

As you progress, you’ll encounter more advanced concepts like building interactive modals using Semantic-UI, managing state effectively with useReducer, and implementing real-time updates using the magic of GraphQL subscriptions.

You’ll then explore image handling with AWS S3, learning to create an S3 bucket for image storage, seamlessly upload images from your React app, and update your GraphQL model to accommodate image data.

To enhance searchability and user experience, you’ll delve into Elastic Search, learning to create searchable queries and integrate them into your React application.

Finally, you’ll master the art of adding authentication and authorization to your GraphQL endpoints, ensuring that only authorized users have access to specific data.

Throughout the course, you’ll gain practical experience with essential AWS services like DynamoDB, AppSync, S3, and Elastic Search.

You’ll also master key concepts in React such as state management, component composition, and routing.

Using React, Bootstrap, and AWS Amplify to Build Apps

Using React, Bootstrap, and AWS Amplify to Build Apps

Imagine building a dynamic, user-friendly web application from scratch.

This course takes you on a journey through the world of ReactJS, guiding you step-by-step to create real-world projects that showcase your newfound skills.

You’ll begin by setting up your development environment with the essential tools, like ReactJS and AWS Amplify.

This course doesn’t just throw you into the deep end; it starts with a solid foundation, teaching you about GitHub for version control, so you can collaborate and track your progress efficiently.

As you delve deeper into ReactJS, you’ll gain a firm grasp of core concepts like props, state, and dynamic data rendering with conditional rendering.

You’ll learn to fetch data from external APIs using the Fetch API, and then build a stock data app to solidify your understanding.

The course doesn’t shy away from real-world scenarios.

You’ll tackle form creation with Formik and Yup, building user-friendly interfaces and ensuring data validation.

Then, you’ll design a captivating startup landing page using Bootstrap, incorporating elements like jumbotrons, accordions, and product cards.

The final project, a Workout Generator app, brings together all the concepts you’ve learned.

You’ll build a fully functional front-end with navigation and routing, connect to a backend API for workout data, and finally, deploy your app using AWS Amplify.

AWS Amplify Authentication and Android

AWS Amplify Authentication and Android

You’ll embark on a journey that covers everything from the fundamentals of Amplify to advanced features like multi-factor authentication (MFA).

You’ll start by gaining a solid understanding of Amplify’s capabilities and setting up your development environment.

From there, you’ll build a basic Android app and integrate Amplify to handle user authentication, creating a user registration, login, forgot password, and temporary password system.

You’ll even learn to manage user attributes, fetch credentials, and test those credentials for API access.

The course goes beyond the basics, diving into features like Google Sign-In for a seamless user experience.

You’ll explore the Web UI, which allows users to authenticate via a web interface, enhancing the flexibility of your app.

And finally, you’ll delve into the crucial aspect of MFA, learning how to set it up and integrate it into your app for enhanced security.