The Microsoft Azure Developer Associate (AZ-204) certification validates your ability to design and develop cloud solutions using Azure services.

Achieving this certification demonstrates your expertise in Azure compute, storage, security, networking, monitoring, and more.

By mastering these skills, you can build secure, scalable, and cost-effective cloud applications.

Finding the right AZ-204 course on Udemy can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack.

You want a course that covers all the exam objectives comprehensively, offers hands-on practice, and is taught by experienced instructors.

You’re also looking for a course that’s engaging and keeps you motivated throughout your learning journey.

For the best AZ-204 course overall on Udemy, we recommend "AZ-204 Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure - OCT 2023".

This comprehensive course provides a deep dive into the exam objectives, incorporating hands-on labs, practice tests, and real-world scenarios.

It’s structured to guide you through the intricacies of Azure development, ensuring you have a solid understanding of the concepts and practical skills needed to succeed on the exam.

While this is our top recommendation, Udemy offers a variety of other AZ-204 courses, each with its own strengths and features.

Keep reading to explore our curated list of courses tailored for different learning styles and preferences.

AZ-204 Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure - OCT 2023

AZ-204 Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure - OCT 2023

The syllabus covers a wide range of Azure services and concepts that are essential for developing solutions on the Azure cloud platform.

You’ll start with an overview of the exam requirements and get familiar with the Azure portal and Cloud Shell.

One of the key topics is Azure Virtual Machines (VMs), where you’ll learn about creating, configuring, and managing VMs using the Azure portal, PowerShell, and CLI.

While VMs are no longer part of the exam, understanding them is still valuable for Azure developers.

The course then dives into Azure App Service, which is a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) offering for hosting web applications.

You’ll learn about deploying apps, scaling, and configuring settings like SSL and autoscaling.

Containers are also covered, with lessons on Azure Container Instances (ACI), Docker Desktop, and deploying container apps from Azure Container Registry.

Additionally, you’ll explore Azure Function Apps, including creating functions, monitoring, and using durable functions.

Storage is a crucial aspect of Azure solutions, and the course dedicates a chapter to Azure Storage Accounts.

You’ll learn about configuring storage accounts, encryption, uploading files, and using tools like AzCopy V10.

Another important topic is Azure Cosmos DB, a globally distributed, multi-model database service.

The course covers creating Cosmos DB accounts, managing data, and setting consistency options.

Authentication and authorization are essential for secure Azure solutions, and the course covers Entra ID (Azure Active Directory), registering applications, and using the Microsoft Graph API.

Data encryption is also covered, with lessons on securing app configurations, encrypting data in storage accounts and SQL databases, and using Azure Key Vault for customer-managed keys (CMK).

Caching and Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) are discussed, including Azure Cache for Redis and implementing caching patterns.

You’ll also learn about creating and using CDN profiles.

The course covers monitoring and troubleshooting with Application Insights, as well as logging for VMs and Function Apps using Azure Monitor.

Consuming Azure services is another important aspect, with lessons on API Management, configuring APIs, and using Swagger/OpenAPI.

Event-based solutions are covered, including Azure Event Grid and Event Hubs.

Application messaging with Azure Storage Queues and Service Bus Queues is also included.

The course provides code samples for various topics, such as Azure Blobs, Cosmos DB Todo App, Azure Active Directory, and Azure Key Vault, which can be helpful for hands-on learning.

AZ-204: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure

AZ-204: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure

The course starts with an introduction to Microsoft Azure and setting up your free account.

You’ll learn to develop Azure compute solutions using Virtual Machines, Web Apps, Functions, and Containers.

The hands-on labs ensure you gain practical experience with deploying applications on Windows and Linux VMs, containerizing .NET apps, and working with Kubernetes clusters.

The syllabus dives deep into Azure Storage services like Blob Storage, Table Storage, and Cosmos DB.

You’ll learn to interact with these services using code samples and understand concepts like partitions, indexing, and consistency models.

The course also covers implementing Azure security using Active Directory, role-based access control, managed identities, and key vault for secure key management.

Authentication and authorization are explored in-depth, including OAuth2, accessing Microsoft Graph API, and securing Web APIs.

You’ll build applications that authenticate users and access protected resources.

The monitoring and troubleshooting section covers Azure Monitor for setting up alerts, Log Analytics workspaces, and Application Insights for monitoring performance and usage.

The syllabus also covers optimizing content delivery using Azure Cache for Redis and Content Delivery Network.

You’ll learn to connect to Azure services like Storage Queues, Service Bus Queues/Topics, Event Hubs, and Event Grid through code labs.

The API Management service is covered for publishing, securing, and managing APIs.

The course includes practice tests to assess your knowledge and prepare for the certification exam.

AZ-204 Microsoft Azure Developer Practice Tests

AZ-204 Microsoft Azure Developer Practice Tests

This course consists of four comprehensive practice tests – A, B, C, and D – designed to help you prepare for the AZ-204 certification exam.

The practice tests cover a wide range of topics related to developing solutions on Microsoft Azure.

You’ll encounter questions that assess your understanding of Azure compute solutions, developing for Azure storage, securing cloud data, monitoring, troubleshooting, and optimizing Azure solutions, and connecting to and consuming Azure services and third-party services.

Each practice test is structured like the actual AZ-204 exam, providing a realistic testing experience.

As you work through the questions, you’ll gain insights into your strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to focus your study efforts more effectively.

One of the advantages of these practice tests is their accessibility.

You can take them online at your convenience, without the need for a specific classroom or schedule.

The tests are available through a secure URL, ensuring a seamless testing experience.

While the practice tests alone may not be sufficient for comprehensive exam preparation, they can serve as an excellent supplement to other study materials and resources.

By simulating the actual exam environment and providing immediate feedback on your performance, these tests can help you build confidence and identify areas that require further attention.

AZ-204 Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure Lab & Prep

AZ-204 Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure Lab & Prep

The course starts with an introduction to cloud computing basics and Microsoft Azure, guiding you through creating resources, deploying with ARM templates, and understanding Azure services relevant for developers.

You’ll learn to set up an Azure organization, purchase a custom domain, create an AAD tenant, and onboard users.

It dives deep into core Azure services like Storage Accounts (tables, files, access tiers), App Services (deploying web apps), Docker, Event Grid, Event Hubs, CDN, Cosmos DB (consistency levels, request units, C# integration), Logic Apps, Cognitive Services, Key Vault, and Application Insights.

These are essential for any Azure developer role.

The syllabus includes a dedicated Powershell crash course to help you automate tasks using scripts and the Azure CLI.

This is invaluable for managing Azure resources efficiently.

A significant portion focuses on exam-aligned tasks that simulate real-world scenarios you may encounter.

From configuring services like Service Bus, API Management, and Cosmos DB to implementing specific requirements like autoscaling, CORS, caching, and authentication/authorization integration.

You’ll practice recommending appropriate services, consistency levels, pricing tiers, and more based on given criteria.

Additionally, it covers archived content from the previous AZ-303 exam, including practice questions and solutions spanning virtual machines, storage accounts, virtual networks, load balancing, security, migration, and cost optimization tasks.

AZ-204: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions

AZ-204: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions

You’ll start with an introduction to Azure and its infrastructure services like Virtual Machines (VMs) and Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates.

Moving on, you’ll dive into leveraging container resources on Azure, including creating Docker images, pushing them to Azure Container Registry, and running containers in Azure Container Instances.

The course also covers Azure App Services, Web Apps, scaling options, and configuring app settings.

Azure Functions is another key area, covering function basics, durable functions, and creating your first serverless function.

For data storage, you’ll learn about Cosmos DB, its consistency levels, and managing this NoSQL database service.

The syllabus covers Azure Blob Storage in-depth, including creating storage accounts, using Shared Access Signatures (SAS) for secure access, and working with blobs.

Security is crucial, so you’ll explore Azure AD security, app registrations, and managed identities.

Azure Key Vault is covered for securely storing and accessing secrets like API keys and certificates.

You’ll learn application delivery mechanisms like Azure CDN, Front Door, and caching with Azure Cache for Redis.

Monitoring is key, with sessions on leveraging Application Insights for monitoring and diagnostics.

The course dives into Logic Apps, covering templates, custom connectors, and building workflow-based integrations.

For API management, you’ll create an Azure API Management instance and configure policies.

Event-based solutions like Event Grid, Event Hubs, and Notification Hubs are explored for building reactive applications.

Finally, you’ll learn about message-based solutions using Azure Service Bus and Storage Queues for reliable messaging scenarios.

Throughout, you’ll get hands-on with demos using the Azure portal, PowerShell, CLI, and writing code against Azure services using tools like Visual Studio Code and the GitHub repo provided.

AZ-204 Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure Exam Prep

AZ-204 Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure Exam Prep

You’ll start by setting up your Azure account, understanding core Azure concepts like resource groups and Active Directories.

The course dives deep into implementing IaaS solutions like creating and managing Virtual Machines using the Azure portal, CLI, and ARM templates.

It also covers containerization with Docker and deploying container images to Azure Container Registry and Instances.

You’ll learn to create and configure Azure App Service Web Apps, enabling features like SSL, API integration, and connection strings.

The course teaches you to implement serverless solutions with Azure Functions, covering triggers, bindings, durable functions, and custom handlers.

For data storage, you’ll explore Azure Cosmos DB, selecting the right API and SDK, implementing partitioning schemes, and managing consistency levels.

The syllabus covers Azure Blob Storage operations like moving data between accounts, setting properties, and using the v12 SDK for storage, queues, tables, and files.

User authentication and authorization are covered through the Microsoft Identity Platform and registering apps with Azure Active Directory using OpenID Connect.

You’ll implement secure solutions with Azure Key Vault for storing keys, secrets, and certificates, and integrate with Microsoft Graph.

The course teaches caching strategies with Azure Cache for Redis and configuring cache policies.

It covers monitoring and logging solutions with Application Insights, implementing web tests, alerts, and using Azure Monitor for analysis.

API Management is another key topic, covering creating APIM instances, configuring subscriptions, policies, and authentication for APIs.

You’ll also learn about event-based solutions with Azure Event Grid and Event Hubs.

Finally, the syllabus covers message-based solutions using Azure Service Bus and Queue Storage queues, including performance improvements.

AZ-204: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure Exam

AZ-204: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure Exam

The course begins with four practice exams, allowing you to assess your current knowledge and identify areas for improvement.

These exams are designed to simulate the actual AZ-204 certification exam, providing a realistic testing experience.

Interestingly, the syllabus notes that the content for two of the practice exams may contain errors or faults.

However, this is intentional, as the course encourages interaction and engagement to enhance the quality of the material.

You’ll have the opportunity to provide feedback and contribute to improving the content, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

After completing the practice exams, you’ll move on to two certification exams.

These exams are likely the final assessments, evaluating your mastery of the AZ-204 exam objectives.

Passing these exams would indicate your readiness to take the official Microsoft Azure Developer Associate certification exam.

AZ-204: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure - Exam

AZ-204: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure - Exam

In this course you’ll find six practice exams covering various aspects of developing solutions for Microsoft Azure.

The practice exams are designed to simulate the actual AZ-204 exam experience, allowing you to test your knowledge and identify areas that need further study.

Each exam presents a realistic set of questions and scenarios that align with the official exam objectives.

As you work through the practice exams, you’ll encounter questions related to developing Azure compute solutions, implementing Azure security, building for cloud storage, monitoring Azure solutions, and more.

These exams will challenge your understanding of Azure services, best practices, and real-world application development scenarios.

One of the key benefits of these practice exams is the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the exam format and question types.

You’ll gain experience with the pacing and time management required for the actual certification exam.

Additionally, the practice exams provide detailed explanations for each question, allowing you to reinforce your understanding of the concepts and learn from your mistakes.

This feedback loop is invaluable in solidifying your Azure development skills and ensuring you’re well-prepared for the AZ-204 exam.

AZ-204 Developing Solution for Microsoft Azure Practice Test

AZ-204 Developing Solution for Microsoft Azure Practice Test

This course offers six comprehensive practice tests to help you prepare for the certification exam.

The practice tests cover a wide range of topics related to developing solutions for Microsoft Azure.

You’ll find quizzes that test your knowledge of URLs, testing methodologies, and various Azure services.

These practice tests are designed to simulate the actual AZ-204 exam, giving you a realistic experience.

One of the standout features of this syllabus is the variety of practice tests available.

With six different tests, you can thoroughly assess your understanding of the subject matter from multiple angles.

This approach ensures that you’re well-prepared and familiar with the types of questions you’ll encounter during the actual certification exam.

Each practice test is carefully crafted to challenge your skills and reinforce your understanding of Azure development concepts.

As you work through the quizzes, you’ll gain valuable insights into areas where you need further study or practice.

The syllabus is structured in a way that allows you to track your progress and identify any knowledge gaps.

By taking these practice tests, you’ll not only improve your chances of passing the AZ-204 exam but also gain practical experience that can be applied in real-world Azure development scenarios.

AZ-204: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure Test 2023

AZ-204: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure Test 2023

This course offers several practice tests and exam simulators to prepare for the certification exam.

You’ll find two versions of the Exam Simulator, V1 and V2, which provide a simulated testing environment.

Additionally, there are two Mega Practice Tests, 1 and 2, designed to help you practice and identify areas for improvement.

The syllabus also includes the actual AZ-204 Certification Exam, although it’s noted that there might be some errors or faults since it’s a practice version.

You’re encouraged to provide feedback to help improve the content.

Lastly, there’s a section called “Practice Tests,” which likely contains additional practice questions and tests to further reinforce your understanding of the AZ-204 exam topics.