DuckDB - The Ultimate Guide

DuckDB - The Ultimate Guide

The course starts by introducing you to DuckDB, explaining what it is and why it’s so cool.

You’ll learn about DuckDB’s role in modern analytics, its competition, and when to use it.

Next, you’ll set up your environment and get hands-on with DuckDB’s SQL.

The course covers importing and downloading data, as well as innovative SQL features like SUMMARIZE, REPLACE, EXCLUDE, COLUMNS, and GROUP BY ALL.

You’ll also dive into window functions, pivoting, and table functions in DuckDB.

The course then integrates DuckDB with Python for analytics workflows.

You’ll learn how to use DuckDB with Python and build a Streamlit app.

Additionally, you’ll explore DuckDB with DBT (Data Build Tool) and DBeaver, a powerful database management tool.

Moving on, you’ll learn about MotherDuck, the cloud offering of DuckDB as a SaaS.

The course covers attaching and detaching remote databases, as well as automating authentication.

Interestingly, the course also introduces Rill, a DuckDB-powered BI-as-Code platform.

You’ll build a dashboard, connect Rill Cloud to GitHub, schedule data refreshes, and more.

Finally, you’ll get to spin up a DuckDB-powered recommender microservice.

This involves building a FastAPI microservice, managing Python dependencies, fetching data from an API, and exploring data inside DuckDB.