Google Sheets is a powerful and versatile spreadsheet application that’s become an essential tool for countless individuals and businesses.

It allows you to organize data, perform calculations, create charts and graphs, and collaborate with others in real time – all within a user-friendly interface.

Learning Google Sheets can empower you to automate tasks, analyze data, and make informed decisions, ultimately boosting your productivity and efficiency.

Finding the right Google Sheets course on Udemy can be a challenge, given the sheer number of options available.

You’re looking for a comprehensive program that goes beyond the basics, covering advanced features and practical applications.

You want a course that’s engaging, taught by experienced instructors, and provides hands-on exercises to solidify your learning.

We’ve carefully analyzed countless Google Sheets courses on Udemy, and based on our research, we believe The Complete Google Sheets Course: Beginner to Advanced is the best overall choice.

This course stands out for its comprehensive curriculum, covering a wide range of topics from fundamentals to advanced techniques like pivot tables, data validation, and even scripting with Apps Script.

The instructor provides clear explanations and real-world examples, making learning both enjoyable and effective.

While “The Complete Google Sheets Course: Beginner to Advanced” is our top pick, there are other excellent Google Sheets courses on Udemy.

Keep reading to discover our recommendations for different learning styles and goals, including courses focused on specific Google Sheets features, automation with Apps Script, and integrating Google Sheets with other tools like Google Forms.

The Complete Google Sheets Course: Beginner to Advanced!

The Complete Google Sheets Course: Beginner to Advanced!

You’ll start by learning the basics of spreadsheets, including data types, navigation shortcuts, and simple formatting tricks to beautify your sheets.

The course then dives into functions, beginning with arithmetic functions like SUM, COUNT, and AVERAGE.

You’ll also learn conditional functions like IF statements, AND/OR statements, and nesting IF statements.

The course provides a crash course in pivot tables, which is an essential skill for data analysis.

You’ll learn how to sort and filter data, taking your spreadsheet skills to the next level.

Additionally, you’ll learn to create colorful and useful charts and graphs for visualizing data.

Data validation is another important topic covered, where you’ll learn to create impressive dropdowns and dynamic models.

The course also teaches you how to handle errors using IFERROR and create named ranges to keep your formulas organized.

You’ll dive into lookup functions like VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, and the powerful INDEX(MATCH(),MATCH()) function.

Working with text functions is also covered, allowing you to manipulate labels and extract characters from cells.

The course covers date and time functions, including TODAY, NOW, EDATE, and EOMONTH, which have practical applications.

You’ll also learn how to randomize data using RAND and RANDBETWEEN, and round numbers with ROUND, ROUNDUP, and ROUNDDOWN functions.

Interestingly, the course teaches you how to pull financial data using GOOGLEFINANCE and create a real-time language translator with GOOGLETRANSLATE.

Finally, you’ll learn how to tie spreadsheets together using IMPORTRANGE and perform advanced data analysis with the QUERY function, which includes a crash course in SQL.

Master Google Sheets (and see why it’s better than Excel)

Master Google Sheets (and see why it's better than Excel)

The syllabus covers a wide range of topics, from the basics of creating and formatting spreadsheets to more advanced features like functions, formulas, charts, and data manipulation.

The course starts by introducing you to Google Sheets and explaining why it’s better than Excel, with features like real-time collaboration, auto-updating, and the ability to pull data from the internet.

You’ll learn how to create, rename, and share spreadsheets, as well as format cells, freeze rows and columns, and use conditional formatting.

Once you’ve mastered the fundamentals, the course dives into manipulating data like a pro.

You’ll learn how to sort, filter, find and replace data, and even use the revision history tool to track changes.

The section on functions and formulas is extensive, covering everything from building basic formulas to using advanced math, logical, and text functions like VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, and CONCATENATE.

There’s even an assignment where you’ll create your own functions.

The course also teaches you how to create various types of charts and graphs, including scatterplots, which can be useful for visualizing data relationships.

For more advanced users, there are sections on lookups (VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, MATCH), pulling data into your spreadsheet using ImportXML and ImportHTML, and even creating macros (scripts) to automate tasks.

Additionally, the course introduces you to tools like Spreadsheet Booster and provides resources like Google Spreadsheet templates and official documentation.

Google Sheets - The Comprehensive Masterclass

Google Sheets - The Comprehensive Masterclass

You’ll start by learning the fundamentals of Google Sheets, including navigating the interface, entering data, using basic formulas, and formatting cells.

The course then dives into more advanced features like conditional formatting, data validation, and working with Excel and CSV files.

One standout aspect is the focus on data cleaning and management tools.

You’ll learn how to sort, filter, remove duplicates, and split text across multiple columns – essential skills for organizing and prepping data.

The course dedicates entire sections to mastering essential functions for analysis and summarization, like SUMIFS, COUNTIFS, and nested IFs.

You’ll also explore lookup and filter functions like VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, and the powerful QUERY function for complex data manipulation.

Beyond formulas, you’ll gain expertise in working with text, dates, and times, including functions for translation, creating QR codes, and importing web data.

The collaboration and publishing tools covered will help you share and protect your spreadsheets effectively.

For data visualization, you’ll learn to create impressive charts, including combo charts, scrolling tables, and gauge charts for dashboards.

The course even covers sparklines and using them to visualize stock and currency trends.

Perhaps most exciting is the introduction to pivot tables in Google Sheets, a game-changer for exploring and summarizing large datasets.

You’ll also get a taste of Google Apps Script for automating tasks and using add-ons.

With practical examples, challenges, and quizzes throughout, this course ensures you not only learn the concepts but also apply them hands-on.

Complete Introduction to Google Sheets Pivot Tables

Complete Introduction to Google Sheets Pivot Tables

You’ll start by learning how to correctly structure your data for pivot table analysis.

The course then dives into creating pivot tables, working with multiple dimensions and measures, and using different aggregation methods like sum, average, median, max, min, count, and uniquecount.

You’ll even learn how to create custom calculations.

One standout section focuses on comparison charts, teaching you to visualize pivot table data with column, bar, stacked, and 100% charts.

The trend/time analysis section is equally valuable, covering date intelligence calculations and charting trends over time.

Filtering is a key skill covered, allowing you to ask specific questions of your data based on text, numeric, or date criteria.

You’ll also learn contribution analysis for creating percentage calculations and charts.

The syllabus even includes specialized sections like analyzing human resource data with frequency analysis and grouping, as well as using conditional formatting to highlight important information.

Throughout, you’ll apply what you learn through practical activities, ensuring you gain hands-on experience.

The course wraps up with a conclusion solidifying your newfound pivot table skills in Google Sheets.

Master Reporting Automation with Google Sheets

Master Reporting Automation with Google Sheets

The syllabus covers a comprehensive range of topics, from mastering key formulas like INDEX, MATCH, and QUERY to building dynamic reports and visualizations.

You’ll start by learning the fundamental formulas that form the backbone of automated reporting in Google Sheets.

This includes combinations like INDEX & MATCH, as well as functions for handling dates, performing conditional calculations, and avoiding errors.

The course even dives into advanced formulas like INDIRECT, ADDRESS, and OFFSET for more complex data manipulation.

Once you have the formulas down, you’ll put them into practice by building a complete reporting system from scratch.

You’ll map out the metrics, define time periods, connect formulas, set up budgets and forecasts, and even add competitor tracking.

The syllabus walks you through each step, ensuring you understand how to structure the whole spreadsheet for optimal performance.

But the course doesn’t stop at just building reports.

It also covers data visualization principles and teaches you how to create professional, dynamic charts and tables to effectively communicate your findings.

You’ll learn techniques for ranking competitors, tracking weekly performance against monthly budgets, and more.

To ensure your reports are always up-to-date, the course covers creating dynamic data connections using functions like IMPORTRANGE and QUERY.

You’ll even learn how to automate the data import process using scripts, saving you time and effort.

Throughout the course, you’ll have opportunities to reinforce your learning with quizzes and projects, ensuring you truly understand the concepts before moving on.

And if you ever need a refresher, the syllabus includes sections on tips and tricks, as well as optimizing spreadsheet performance.

Google Sheets & Forms - Beginner to Expert

Google Sheets & Forms - Beginner to Expert

You’ll start by exploring the benefits of using Google’s office apps, such as platform independence, auto-saving, revision history, and seamless collaboration.

The course then dives into Google Sheets, teaching you how to create, edit, and share spreadsheets efficiently.

You’ll learn to import and export files, perform calculations using formulas, format your sheets, collaborate in real-time, and create visually appealing charts.

The course covers essential topics like document setup, editing techniques, commenting for collaboration, printing and downloading options, filtering data, and working with various chart types like bar charts, scatter plots, and pie charts.

You’ll also gain insights into advanced features like named ranges, data manipulation, and leveraging add-ons and templates.

Moving on to Google Forms, you’ll discover how to create web forms, surveys, and online tests without any programming knowledge.

The course guides you through form setup, adding questions (including validation rules), organizing content into sections, and sharing forms for collecting responses.

You’ll even learn how to integrate file uploads into your forms.

Throughout the course, you’ll benefit from hands-on lectures and quizzes to reinforce your learning.

Joe Buchmann, the instructor, provides clear explanations and demonstrations, ensuring you grasp the concepts thoroughly.

The Complete Google Sheets Course - Google Spreadsheet Tips

The Complete Google Sheets Course - Google Spreadsheet Tips

You’ll start by learning the basics, like creating a Google Account if you don’t have one already, and understanding the environment of Google Sheets.

The course dives deep into the various menus and tools within Google Sheets, including the File, Edit, View, and Insert menus.

You’ll learn how to work with charts, pivot tables, and even create shortcuts for Google Sheets.

One of the standout features is the practical classwork section, where you’ll apply your knowledge to real-world scenarios.

You’ll learn how to use functions, create salary calculations, currency converters, and charts within Google Sheets.

The pivot table and slicer sections will teach you advanced data analysis techniques.

The syllabus also covers a range of Google Sheets templates, including Google Calendar integration, to-do lists, budgets, investment tracking with Google Finance, daily schedules, and even a travel planner.

These templates will save you time and effort in organizing your life and work.

If you’re interested in collecting data, the course has a dedicated chapter on Google Forms.

You’ll learn how to create forms, add questions, customize themes, view responses, collaborate, and even turn your forms into quizzes.

Google Sheets Functions for Growth Marketing & Product Teams

Google Sheets Functions for Growth Marketing & Product Teams

The course starts with an introduction, followed by a comprehensive section on data preparation and manipulation.

You’ll learn how to link data between workbooks, files, and tabs using IMPORTRANGE.

This is crucial for consolidating information from multiple sources.

Additionally, you’ll master importing data from the web using functions like IMPORTDATA, IMPORTXML, and IMPORTHTML – handy for scraping websites.

The course dives deep into lookup functions like VLOOKUP, INDEX, and MATCH, enabling you to find specific cell values within datasets.

You’ll also learn how to convert and combine dates using MONTH, YEAR, and CONCATENATE.

Conditional statements with IF, THEN, ELSE are covered too, allowing you to apply logic to your data.

Text manipulation is equally important, with lectures on extracting first names from full names using REGEXEXTRACT and capitalizing names with PROPER.

These skills are invaluable for cleaning up data.

Moving on to data analysis and visualization, you’ll learn how to use SORT and FILTER to identify missing values – a common challenge in data work.

Creating dropdown lists is also covered, making it easier to navigate large datasets.

The powerful QUERY function is explored in-depth, with lectures on filtering data using WHERE, LIKE, AND, OR, and LIMIT statements.

You’ll also learn how to search data using QUERY combined with dropdown lists or text input fields.

Finally, the course teaches you how to visualize lifetime value and churn data using pivot tables – a must-have skill for growth marketers and product managers.

Learn Google Sheets In 1 Day With Fascinating Projects

Learn Google Sheets In 1 Day With Fascinating Projects

The course starts with an overview of G Suite (now Google Workspace) and the basics of navigating the interface.

You’ll dive into practical examples right away, like using Google Sheets for SEO tracking and prioritization.

This hands-on approach continues as you learn essential skills such as freezing rows/columns, styling cells, creating formulas, and building charts/graphs from your data.

The course also covers more advanced topics like merging cells, pivot tables, and filters to aid decision-making.

You’ll even work with a larger data set, giving you real-world experience in data analysis and manipulation.

The “1 Day” in the title prepares you for an intensive, focused learning experience designed to get you up to speed quickly.

Learn Google Apps Script and Become a Google Sheets Master

Learn Google Apps Script and Become a Google Sheets Master

The course starts by introducing you to Google Apps Script, a powerful tool for automating tasks in Google Sheets.

You’ll learn how to use macros to automate repetitive tasks, saving you time and effort.

From there, the course dives into the Google Apps Script editor within Google Sheets.

This is where the real magic happens.

You’ll get familiar with key services like SpreadsheetApp, Spreadsheet, and Sheet, which allow you to create custom formulas and menus right inside your spreadsheets.

One cool feature is triggering your Apps Script code via different methods.

You can set it to run when you open a sheet using the onOpen() function, or create call-to-action buttons to execute your scripts on demand.

The course even covers setting up timers to run your scripts hourly, daily, or on any schedule you need.

But Apps Script isn’t just limited to Google Sheets.

You’ll also learn how to fetch external data from APIs and integrate with third-party tools like Slack.

Imagine being able to send updates or notifications directly from your spreadsheet to your team’s Slack channel!