If you’re searching for the best Microsoft Azure DP-900 courses on Udemy, look no further.

Preparing for the Azure Data Fundamentals certification can be a daunting task, but with the right resources, you can ace the exam and unlock new career opportunities.

This post highlights some of the top Udemy courses specifically designed to help you ace the DP-900 exam.

These courses cover all the essential topics you need to know, from core data concepts and relational databases to non-relational data, analytics workloads, and data visualization with Power BI.

With hands-on demos, practice tests, and real-world scenarios, you’ll gain practical experience working with Azure data services like SQL Database, Cosmos DB, Synapse Analytics, and Data Factory.

Whether you’re a complete beginner or an experienced professional looking to transition to the cloud data domain, these courses cater to various skill levels, ensuring a smooth learning journey.

DP-900 Azure Data Fundamentals Exam Prep In One Day

DP-900 Azure Data Fundamentals Exam Prep In One Day

Best Udemy course for Microsoft Azure DP-900 certification preparation with hands-on demos and practice tests.

The course covers all the key topics you need to prepare for the DP-900 Azure Data Fundamentals exam.

You’ll start by learning core data concepts like different ways to represent data, storage options, common data workloads, and roles involved.

This lays a solid foundation for the rest of the course.

Next, you’ll dive into relational databases.

The course explains features of relational data, normalization, and common SQL statements.

It also covers Azure’s relational database services like SQL Database.

You’ll learn how to create and manage databases, use ARM templates, secure them, and leverage query tools.

The non-relational database section introduces you to NoSQL databases, data types, and Azure’s offerings like Cosmos DB.

You’ll create Cosmos DB instances, query data, use ARM templates, secure them, and explore geo-replication.

For data analytics workloads, you’ll understand OLTP, OLAP, data warehousing concepts like Synapse Analytics SQL Data Warehouse and the modern data warehouse architecture.

The course even touches on the new Microsoft Fabric service.

Data ingestion, processing with Azure Data Factory, and visualization using Power BI are also covered.

The hands-on demos and practice test solidify your learning.

With updated content aligned to the latest DP-900 exam, this comprehensive course equips you with the skills needed for data-focused Azure roles like Data Engineer or Data Analyst.

If you have no prior database experience or want to transition to the cloud data domain, this course is an excellent resource.

DP-900: Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals in a Weekend

DP-900: Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals in a Weekend

Best Udemy course for Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals certification prep with hands-on activities.

As a beginner-friendly course, it takes a hands-on, step-by-step approach to introduce you to the world of data engineering on Azure.

You’ll start by understanding core data concepts and exploring different data formats like structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data.

The course dives deep into relational databases on Azure, covering SQL databases, managed instances, and other relational offerings like MySQL and PostgreSQL.

You’ll learn about tables, relationships, indexes, views, and normalization through hands-on activities.

Moving on, you’ll explore non-relational databases like Azure Cosmos DB, a globally distributed, multi-model database service.

You’ll work with different APIs such as SQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, and Gremlin to store and query data in various formats like documents, key-value pairs, and graphs.

The course also covers Azure Storage services like Blob Storage, File Storage, and managed/unmanaged disk storage.

You’ll understand storage tiers, data redundancy, and scenarios for using different storage options.

A significant portion is dedicated to data analytics on Azure.

You’ll learn about big data concepts, data warehousing, and Azure services like Databricks, Synapse Analytics, and Data Factory.

Through practical examples, you’ll explore batch and streaming pipelines, ETL/ELT processes, and data visualization with Power BI.

Additionally, the course covers essential topics like database tools, data engineering roles, pricing estimation with the Azure pricing calculator, resource provisioning with ARM templates, and working with the Azure portal, PowerShell, CLI, and Cloud Shell.

Throughout the course, you’ll find quizzes and practice tests to reinforce your learning and prepare for the DP-900 exam.

With downloadable resources like presentations and sample data, you’ll have everything you need to kickstart your Azure data engineering journey.

DP-900: Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Course - Feb 2024

DP-900: Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Course - Feb 2024

Best Udemy course for Microsoft Azure DP-900 certification with hands-on demos and real-world scenarios.

You’ll start by learning about core data concepts like data types, file formats, and the differences between transaction (OLTP) and analytics (OLAP) workloads.

The course then dives into working with relational data on Azure, covering topics like relational database structures, provisioning methods, Azure SQL offerings (PaaS and IaaS), and querying data with SQL.

For non-relational data, you’ll explore NoSQL databases, Azure Storage services (Blob, Table, File), and Cosmos DB’s multi-model APIs.

The analytics workload section teaches you about data warehousing concepts, Azure Synapse Analytics, HDInsight for batch processing, Azure Stream Analytics for real-time processing, and data visualization with Power BI.

The course includes hands-on demos for provisioning Azure resources like SQL databases, Storage accounts, Cosmos DB, and Data Factory instances.

You’ll also learn how to use tools like Visual Studio Code and the Azure Portal.

Notably, the course covers core Azure data services like Cosmos DB, Data Factory, Databricks, and Synapse Analytics in depth.

It explains concepts like ETL vs ELT, MPP architecture, and the Microsoft Fabric.

You’ll gain insights into data ingestion, processing, and visualization techniques used in real-world scenarios.

The syllabus covers all the exam domains and subtopics, ensuring you have a solid understanding of Azure data services before taking the exam.

DP-900 Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Certification

DP-900 Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Certification

Best Udemy course for acing Microsoft Azure DP 900 certification with hands-on labs.

The course starts by introducing core data concepts like ways to represent data, common workloads, and storage options.

You’ll then dive into working with relational data on Azure, exploring SQL databases on virtual machines, Azure SQL Database, and Azure SQL Managed Instance.

For non-relational data, you’ll learn about Azure Storage Accounts, including blob, file, and table services.

The course also covers Azure Cosmos DB, a globally distributed database service, with hands-on labs using its MongoDB and Gremlin APIs.

You’ll understand how to work with non-relational data stores like JSON documents.

When it comes to analytics workloads, the syllabus covers Azure Data Lake Storage, Azure Stream Analytics for real-time data processing, and Azure Data Factory for extract, transform, and load (ETL) operations.

You’ll learn about Azure Synapse Analytics, a powerful analytics service that combines data warehousing and big data analytics.

Hands-on labs will teach you to work with Synapse’s dedicated SQL pool, serverless SQL pool, and Spark pool.

The course also introduces you to Azure Databricks, a Apache Spark-based analytics platform, and Microsoft Power BI for data visualization and reporting.

You’ll learn how to connect Power BI Desktop to various data sources, create visualizations, and publish reports to the Power BI service.

Throughout the course, you’ll gain practical experience through numerous labs, covering everything from creating Azure resources to working with SQL queries, data ingestion, and data transformations.

The syllabus even includes a mini-project where you’ll deploy a web app, set up an event hub, and stream data for analysis using Power BI.

DP-900 Azure Data Fundamentals 100% Original Practice Exam

DP-900 Azure Data Fundamentals 100% Original Practice Exam

Best Udemy course for Microsoft Azure DP-900 exam prep with 160 original practice questions and lifetime access.

Designed by leading Azure trainer Scott Duffy, who has taught over 500,000 students, these practice tests cover all the key topics you need to master.

You will get lifetime access to four full-length practice exams, each with 40 unique questions based on the latest DP-900 exam objectives released in April 2021.

The questions are carefully crafted to assess your understanding of core data workloads, data analytics concepts, relational and non-relational data offerings on Azure, SQL querying techniques, data management tasks, analytics workloads, modern data warehouses, data ingestion and processing, and data visualization with Power BI.

Unlike many practice tests that recycle questions found online, this course guarantees 100% original content created specifically for DP-900 preparation.

The practice exams reinforce your learning by testing your ability to recall and apply the concepts you’ve studied, a proven technique for boosting long-term retention.

You can use these practice tests alongside Duffy’s video course or any other DP-900 training resource to ensure you’re fully prepared for certification success.

DP-900: Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals (Feb 2024 version)

DP-900: Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals (Feb 2024 version)

Best Udemy course for passing Microsoft Azure DP-900 with hands-on training and certification prep.

You will start by creating an Azure account and setting up an Azure SQL Database to learn querying relational data using SQL.

The course covers the different clauses of the SELECT statement in detail, including SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, and ORDER BY.

Next, you’ll explore other Azure relational databases like PostgreSQL, MariaDB, and MySQL.

This section helps you identify the right data offering for your relational workloads.

Moving on, you’ll dive into non-relational data with semi-structured and unstructured formats.

The course introduces you to the five different Cosmos DB APIs and guides you in choosing the appropriate one based on your needs.

You’ll also learn about Azure Table, Blob, and File storage options.

For analytics workloads, the course covers modern data warehousing concepts and services like Azure Data Lake, Synapse Analytics, Databricks, and HDInsight.

You’ll understand the differences between batch and real-time (streaming) data processing.

Finally, you’ll learn how to create basic reports and dashboards using Microsoft Power BI, a powerful data visualization tool.

The course is designed for beginners, with no prior knowledge required.

It includes regular quizzes to reinforce your learning and a practice test to prepare you for the official Microsoft DP-900 “Azure Data Fundamentals” certification exam.

Completing this course will give you a solid foundation in core data concepts and their implementation using Azure data services.

DP-900 Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Practice Tests 2024

DP-900 Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Practice Tests 2024

Best Udemy course for Microsoft Azure DP-900 certification exam preparation with expert instructor support.

The course provides practice tests that mimic the actual DP-900 exam, helping you prepare effectively.

You’ll find a wide range of question types, including single select, multiple select, yes/no, drag and drop, and true/false.

The questions are designed to cover all the key domains tested in the DP-900 exam, such as core data concepts, relational and non-relational data on Azure, and analytics workloads.

One of the standout features of this course is the detailed explanations provided for each question.

The explanations not only cover the correct and incorrect options but also include references to Microsoft documentation, ensuring you gain a deep understanding of the concepts.

The course is taught by Aman Goswami, a passionate cloud educator with a background in Computer Science and experience as a professor at a leading IT college.

With his expertise in Cloud Computing, particularly Azure and AWS, you can trust that you’re learning from a knowledgeable instructor.

You’ll have access to five comprehensive practice tests, each designed to challenge your understanding and prepare you for the real exam.

The ability to retake the exams as many times as needed is a valuable feature, allowing you to reinforce your learning and identify areas for improvement.

Additionally, the course offers instructor support, so you can get your questions answered promptly.

It’s also mobile-compatible with the Udemy app, allowing you to study on-the-go.

With a 30-day money-back guarantee, you can enroll with confidence, knowing that you have the option to request a refund if the course doesn’t meet your expectations.

Practice Exams | Microsoft Azure DP-900 Data Fundamentals

Practice Exams | Microsoft Azure DP-900 Data Fundamentals

Best Udemy course for Microsoft Azure DP-900 certification preparation with practice tests and detailed explanations.

The course provides practice tests to supplement your learning and help you prepare for the official DP-900 certification exam.

You will find a variety of practice tests, including half-length and full-length options.

The half-length tests are a great way to start building your stamina, while the full-length tests mimic the actual exam experience, helping you get ready for the real thing.

The questions cover all the topics outlined in the exam syllabus, such as core data concepts, relational and non-relational data considerations, analytics workloads, and more.

One of the standout features of this course is the detailed explanations and reference materials provided for each question.

This ensures you understand not just the correct answer, but also the reasoning behind it.

Additionally, the questions are shuffled each time you retake a test, preventing you from simply memorizing answers.

While this course is an excellent supplement, it’s important to note that it should not be your sole study material.

The practice tests are designed to reinforce your understanding of the topics covered in other study resources.

You will find questions covering a wide range of Azure data services, including the Azure SQL family (SQL Database, SQL Managed Instance, SQL Server on Virtual Machines), open-source database systems, Azure Storage (Blob, File, Table), Azure Cosmos DB, and its APIs.

The course also covers analytical workloads, data ingestion, processing, warehousing services like Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure Databricks, HDInsight, and Data Factory.

Real-time analytics, batch and streaming data, Power BI capabilities, and data modeling are also part of the syllabus.

You’ll encounter questions related to these topics, helping you solidify your understanding of the exam objectives.

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Pack - AZ-900 + DP-900 + AI-900

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Pack - AZ-900 + DP-900 + AI-900

Best Udemy course to prepare for the Microsoft Azure DP-900 certification with hands-on practice exams.

The course covers three key Microsoft Azure certification exams - AZ-900 (Azure Fundamentals), DP-900 (Azure Data Fundamentals), and AI-900 (Azure AI Fundamentals).

You’ll start by learning the fundamentals of cloud services and how they are provided through Microsoft Azure.

This includes understanding core Azure services, security, pricing, and support.

Even if you don’t have prior technical experience, the AZ-900 section will give you a solid grasp of cloud concepts.

Next, the DP-900 portion dives into data fundamentals.

You’ll learn about relational and non-relational data, big data, analytics, and how these are implemented using Azure data services.

Key topics include data workloads, processing options, networking, and storage in the cloud.

This entry-level certification validates your foundational data knowledge.

The AI-900 section focuses on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) concepts applied through Azure services.

You’ll understand AI workloads, ethics considerations, and how to build simple AI solutions.

Specific tools covered include Azure Cognitive Services for natural communication and Azure Machine Learning for customized AI models.

A unique strength of this course is the extensive mock exam practice.

Multiple timed tests simulate the actual exam environment, providing detailed feedback on your answers.

This hands-on approach reinforces your understanding while improving test-taking strategies.

Practice Tests - DP-900: Azure Data Fundamentals - June 23

Practice Tests - DP-900: Azure Data Fundamentals - June 23

Best Udemy course for passing Microsoft Azure DP-900 Data Fundamentals certification with comprehensive practice tests.

This course provides multiple timed tests, each with 36 questions to be solved within 45 minutes.

All the material is original and not found elsewhere, ensuring you get a unique and effective practice experience.

The DP-900 exam tests your knowledge of relational and non-relational data, as well as different types of data workloads like transactional or analytical.

You’ll need to be familiar with general technology concepts, including databases and workloads.

The exam covers four main skill areas: describing core data concepts, working with relational data on Azure, working with non-relational data on Azure, and describing analytics workloads on Azure.

Each practice set in this course contains 36 questions spanning these four categories, with a balanced distribution of questions across the topics.

The questions follow the actual exam format, giving you an authentic experience.

After each question, you’ll receive a detailed explanation of the correct and incorrect answers, along with reference diagrams and links for further study.

The course covers the key domains of the DP-900 exam, including core data concepts (15-20%), relational data on Azure (25-30%), non-relational data on Azure (25-30%), and analytics workloads on Azure (25-30%).

Within each domain, you’ll practice subtopics like data workload types, data analytics concepts, relational data services, SQL querying, non-relational data offerings, data management tasks, modern data warehousing components, data ingestion and processing, and data visualization with Microsoft Power BI.

You’ll gain hands-on experience with Azure data services, workloads, ingestion, visualization, analytics, and more, preparing you for success in the DP-900 certification exam.