The Microsoft MB-300 exam, which focuses on Dynamics 365 Core Finance and Operations, is an essential certification for anyone looking to master the software.

This certification demonstrates your proficiency in managing financial data and operational processes within Microsoft Dynamics 365, making you a valuable asset to any organization using this powerful platform.

But finding the right MB-300 course on Udemy can be overwhelming.

You want a course that’s both comprehensive and engaging, one that covers all the essential topics and helps you understand them clearly.

You’re looking for a course that goes beyond just passing the exam and gives you the practical knowledge you need to confidently manage Dynamics 365 in your day-to-day work.

For the best overall MB-300 course on Udemy, we recommend MB-300: Dynamics 365 Core Finance and Operations (Part 1/2).

This course stands out for its thorough coverage of key financial and operational concepts.

It covers everything from navigating the platform and setting up your first legal entity to understanding advanced features like security management, workflows, and financial dimensions.

You’ll also gain insights into essential modules like Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable, as well as Supply Chain Management and Manufacturing.

But this is just one option.

We have a variety of other MB-300 courses on Udemy to choose from, including options for different skill levels and learning styles.

Keep reading to learn more about the best courses for beginners, intermediate learners, and experts, as well as courses focusing on specific aspects of Dynamics 365.

MB-300: Dynamics 365 Core Finance and Operations (Part 1/2)

MB-300: Dynamics 365 Core Finance and Operations (Part 1/2)

You’ll start with the basics, learning to navigate the platform and set up your first legal entity.

From there, the course progressively dives into more complex topics like security management and workflows.

The course thoroughly covers key financial concepts, such as setting up a fiscal calendar, creating charts of accounts, and managing financial dimensions, equipping you with a solid understanding of how Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations handles financial data.

You’ll also explore essential modules like Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable, gaining insight into their interactions and how they contribute to the overall financial picture.

Beyond finance, the course delves into the world of Supply Chain Management and Manufacturing.

You’ll learn about essential concepts like product information management, procurement, and inventory management, equipping you with a solid foundation for managing the supply chain.

You’ll also delve into manufacturing concepts like BOMs (Bill of Materials), resources, routes, and operations, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the production life cycle.

The course goes beyond theory, providing hands-on learning experiences.

You’ll have access to Contoso demo data, allowing you to practice your skills in a safe environment.

You’ll also engage in practical labs and assignments, giving you real-world experience with Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations.

The course also includes resources designed to help you prepare for the MB-300 exam.

This course offers a well-structured and engaging learning experience, equipping you with the necessary knowledge and practical skills to excel in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations.

MB-300: Dynamics 365 Core Finance and Operations (2/2)

MB-300: Dynamics 365 Core Finance and Operations (2/2)

This MB-300 course is a solid second step in mastering Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations.

Building upon the foundation laid in the first part, it delves into advanced features and tools essential for the MB-300 exam.

What sets this course apart is its focus on simplification.

You’ll find complex topics presented in a clear and digestible way, making it easier to grasp even for those new to Dynamics 365.

The course covers a wide range of critical areas, including personalization, data integration, mobile app management, and the powerful Life Cycle Service (LCS).

You’ll explore the nuances of personalization within Dynamics 365, understanding the difference between customization and personalization.

You’ll learn how to effectively add or remove fields using personalization, integrate Power Apps, and customize workspaces and dashboards.

The course goes beyond the software itself, teaching you how to leverage Excel add-ins to seamlessly pull data from Dynamics 365 and publish it back.

You’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of data migration strategies, the Data Management workspace, and how to effectively manage your Dynamics 365 environment using LCS.

You’ll become proficient with the Dynamics 365 Unified Operations mobile app and the Expense Management mobile app, learning how to design and implement customer management solutions.

Master Dynamics 365 reporting with this course.

You’ll explore different reporting tools, learn how to generate and analyze financial reports, and even use the Report Designer to create custom reports.

Finally, you’ll gain a strong understanding of batch jobs, including how to batch process reports and set up alerts.

MB-300: Dynamics 365 Core Finance and Operations Part1/2

MB-300: Dynamics 365 Core Finance and Operations Part1/2

This course is designed to not only prepare you for the MB-300 certification exam but also to give you a practical understanding of the system’s core functionalities.

You’ll appreciate the comprehensive approach that covers everything from navigating the user interface and personalizing your workspace to understanding key concepts like product information management, purchase orders, and financial dimensions.

The course delves into supply chain and finance modules, giving you a thorough understanding of the underlying processes.

One of the strengths of this course is its integration of the Power platform.

You’ll gain valuable knowledge about Power BI, Power Automate, and Power Apps, which are essential tools for data analysis, automation, and application development in the D365 F&O ecosystem.

While the course focuses on preparing you for the MB-300 exam, you’ll also be gaining a strong foundation that can serve as a springboard for further exploration of D365 F&O.

Whether you’re pursuing a career in this field or simply looking to enhance your skills, this course is a worthwhile investment.

MB-300: Microsoft Dynamics 365: Core Finance and Operations

MB-300: Microsoft Dynamics 365: Core Finance and Operations

This course offers you a solid foundation for success with its two comprehensive practice exams.

The exams are designed to mirror the real deal, not only in terms of content but also in the number of questions and time limits.

This allows you to get a realistic feel for the actual exam experience and build your confidence in a controlled environment.

You’ll appreciate the detailed explanations provided for each question, which can help you grasp tricky concepts and solidify your understanding.

Plus, the included links to Microsoft documentation offer a convenient way to delve deeper into specific topics.

While the course is not a substitute for comprehensive study, it offers a valuable tool for identifying your strengths and weaknesses.

You can use the practice exams to gauge your preparedness and focus your study efforts on areas where you need to improve.

By tackling these exams and studying the resources provided, you’ll be well on your way to tackling the real MB-300 exam with confidence.

Microsoft MB-300 Practice Exam Tests 2023

Microsoft MB-300 Practice Exam Tests 2023

These exams are meticulously designed to mirror the format and difficulty level of the actual MB-300 assessment, giving you a realistic gauge of your readiness.

Beyond the practice exams, you’ll benefit from detailed explanations for each question, accompanied by links to relevant Microsoft Dynamics 365 documentation.

This valuable resource helps you understand the logic behind the correct answers, solidifying your grasp of the concepts.