The Microsoft PL-200 certification exam tests your proficiency as a Microsoft Power Platform Functional Consultant.

Mastering this exam unlocks the doors to a fulfilling career in the world of data, automation, and application development.

By learning the skills covered in the PL-200, you can design and implement robust Power Platform solutions, configure Microsoft Dataverse, build dynamic apps with Power Apps, automate business processes with Power Automate, and much more.

Searching for the perfect Microsoft PL-200 course on Udemy can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack.

There are so many options available, and it’s hard to know which one will be the best fit for your learning style and needs.

You want a course that’s comprehensive, engaging, and taught by experienced professionals who can guide you through the complexities of the Power Platform.

We’ve done the research and found PL-200: The follow-up Power Platform course to the PL-100 to be the best Udemy course overall for preparing for the PL-200 exam.

This comprehensive course picks up where the PL-100 leaves off, covering all the advanced topics you need to ace the exam.

It’s perfect for those who have already completed the PL-100 and are looking to take their skills to the next level.

Our top pick is just the beginning.

We’ve also compiled a list of other excellent PL-200 courses on Udemy, tailored to different learning styles and goals.

So, keep reading and discover the perfect course to help you achieve your Microsoft Power Platform certification goals!

PL-200: The follow-up Power Platform course to the PL-100

PL-200: The follow-up Power Platform course to the PL-100

If you’ve already completed the PL-100 course, this follow-up course will cover the additional topics needed for the PL-200 exam.

You’ll start by learning how to implement AI Builder models like text categorization, entity extraction, form processing, and object detection.

Then, you’ll dive into building Power Pages web portals - configuring pages, forms, navigation, security, and integrating with other services like Power BI and SharePoint.

The course extensively covers working with Microsoft Dataverse.

You’ll learn to manage data models, configure settings like search, auditing, duplicate detection, and security elements like business units, roles, and column-level security.

Managing solutions across environments through importing, exporting, and dependency handling is also covered.

For Power Apps and Power Automate, you’ll go beyond the basics from PL-100 into more advanced topics like business process flows, classic workflows, desktop flows using Power Automate Desktop, and integrating apps with services like SharePoint.

Building chatbots with Power Virtual Agents is another key module.

You’ll also learn helpful techniques like branding apps with themes, enabling offline capabilities, monitoring analytics, and implementing low-code plug-ins.

The course wraps up with sections on Power BI integration, dataflows, and defining an environment strategy.

With insightful videos, hands-on activities, and knowledge checks, this comprehensive course aims to fully prepare you for earning the PL-200 certification as a Microsoft Power Platform Functional Consultant.

Practice Exams | MS PL-200 Power Platform Functional Consult

Practice Exams | MS PL-200 Power Platform Functional Consult

You will find a variety of practice tests, including half-length and full-length exams, covering the entire exam syllabus.

The practice questions are designed to test your knowledge and skills across various areas of the Microsoft Power Platform, including configuring Microsoft Dataverse, creating apps with Power Apps, managing logic and process automation with Power Automate, and working with environments.

You will get hands-on experience with data modeling, user experience design, requirements analysis, and other key competencies required for the PL-200 exam.

One of the standout features of this course is the detailed explanations and reference materials provided for each question.

This ensures that you not only learn the correct answers but also understand the reasoning behind them, solidifying your understanding of the concepts.

The course covers a wide range of topics, such as creating and modifying tables in Dataverse, configuring table relationships and properties, managing security settings, creating model-driven and canvas apps in Power Apps, building Power Pages, creating and managing cloud flows and business process flows in Power Automate, and implementing low-code logic with Power Fx functions and formulas.

Additionally, you will learn about application lifecycle management (ALM) practices, working with Dataverse solutions, managing environments, and integrating with other services like Microsoft SharePoint and Word templates.

The practice tests are designed to simulate the actual exam experience, with shuffled questions to ensure you truly understand the concepts rather than memorizing answers.

You can take the tests multiple times to reinforce your learning and identify areas that need further study.

While this course is an excellent supplement to your exam preparation, it is recommended to use it alongside other study materials to ensure comprehensive coverage of the PL-200 exam topics.

Microsoft PL-200 Practice Exam Tests 2024

Microsoft PL-200 Practice Exam Tests 2024

You’ll get five full-length practice exams with 65 questions each, closely mirroring the actual PL-200 exam format.

Every question comes with detailed explanations, helping you truly understand the concepts behind Power Apps, Power Automate, Power Virtual Agents, and more.

The course starts by introducing the key areas covered in the PL-200 exam: designing Power Platform solutions, managing environments, integrating data sources, implementing security, and building Power BI dashboards.

You’ll learn how to create solutions using Power Apps, automate processes with Power Automate, and build conversational interfaces with Power Virtual Agents.

As you progress through the practice exams, you’ll gain hands-on experience with real-world scenarios focused on data integration, modeling, and security best practices for Power Platform solutions.

The course also covers troubleshooting techniques and managing application lifecycles across different environments.

One standout feature is the comprehensive explanations provided for each question.

You’ll understand not just the correct answer but also the reasoning behind why other options are incorrect.

This level of detail ensures you grasp the underlying concepts thoroughly.

The instructor presents the content clearly, and you’ll have access to an active Q&A forum to discuss exam experiences with other students.

Ultimately, this practice exam course aims to provide you with the confidence and real-world readiness needed to pass the PL-200 exam on your first attempt.

PL-200: Microsoft Power Platform Functional Consultant 2023

PL-200: Microsoft Power Platform Functional Consultant 2023

You will learn how to configure Microsoft Dataverse, create apps using Power Apps, manage process automation with Power Automate, implement chatbots with Power Virtual Agents, integrate Power Apps with other services like Power BI and AI Builder, and manage solutions across environments.

The course content closely follows the PL-200 exam objectives, covering all the key topics you need to master.

With 153 practice questions split across 3 tests, you’ll get ample opportunity to apply what you’ve learned and identify areas that need further study.

The detailed answers provided will deepen your understanding.

One of the standout features is the focus on hands-on learning through performance-based practice tests, giving you a better grasp of the concepts.

You will learn to create model-driven and canvas apps in Power Apps, build flows and desktop flows in Power Automate, configure topics and tables for chatbots in Power Virtual Agents, and integrate Power Apps with Power BI, AI Builder, and Microsoft 365.

The course also covers essential skills like managing data models, configuring security settings in Dataverse, creating solutions, and transporting them across environments.

This comprehensive approach ensures you gain practical experience with the entire Microsoft Power Platform ecosystem.