Mockito is a powerful mocking framework for Java developers that allows you to write cleaner, more focused unit tests.

Mocking helps isolate units of code and control dependencies, making testing easier and more efficient.

Mastering Mockito can significantly improve your testing skills, leading to higher code quality and faster development cycles.

Finding the right Mockito course on Udemy can be a challenge.

You’re looking for a course that’s comprehensive, engaging, and taught by experts, while also catering to your experience level and specific needs.

You want to learn not only the basics but also the advanced techniques, such as stubbing, verifying, and working with spies and argument matchers.

For the best Mockito course overall on Udemy, we recommend Learn Java Unit Testing with Junit & Mockito in 30 Steps.

This comprehensive course covers a wide range of topics, from setting up your first mock objects to advanced techniques like Hamcrest matchers and integrating Mockito with Spring.

The hands-on approach with real-world examples ensures that you gain practical skills while learning the theory.

However, this is just one of many great courses available on Udemy.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, seeking to improve your Mockito skills or learn about its integration with specific frameworks, we have you covered.

Keep reading to explore more recommendations for different learning styles and career goals.

Learn Java Unit Testing with Junit & Mockito in 30 Steps

Learn Java Unit Testing with Junit & Mockito in 30 Steps

The course begins with an introduction to unit testing and why it’s crucial for writing high-quality code.

You’ll set up your first JUnit test and learn assertions like assertEquals, assertTrue, and assertFalse.

The course covers important JUnit concepts like @Before, @After, @BeforeClass, @AfterClass for setup/teardown, testing arrays, exceptions, performance, parameterized tests, and organizing tests into suites.

Before diving into Mockito, you’ll learn about the need for mocking and set up a Maven project.

The course then guides you through writing your first Mockito code, stubbing with argument matchers, BDD-style given/when/then syntax, verifying calls on mocks, and capturing arguments.

Advanced Mockito topics include Hamcrest matchers, annotations like @Mock, @InjectMocks, @Captor, JUnit rules, real-world examples with Spring, spies, and why Mockito doesn’t stub final/private methods.

You’ll also learn PowerMock for mocking static and private methods, constructors, and writing good tests.

Throughout the course, you’ll find tips on efficient learning, remembering concepts long-term, teaching others, and the importance of deep work.

Master Java Unit Testing with Spring Boot & Mockito

Master Java Unit Testing with Spring Boot & Mockito

You will start by learning the fundamentals of mocking with Mockito, including setting up a project using Spring Initializr and writing your first unit tests with stubs.

The course then dives deeper into Mockito’s advanced features, such as handling multiple return values, using argument matchers, verifying method calls, and capturing arguments.

As you progress, you’ll learn how to integrate Mockito with Spring Boot for testing web layers, business layers, and data layers.

You’ll gain hands-on experience writing unit tests for REST services, mocking dependencies, and testing with different configurations.

The course covers testing techniques like using Mock MVC for web layer testing, data JPA testing for data layers, and integration testing with @SpringBootTest.

Along the way, you’ll explore tips and best practices for better assertions with Hamcrest, AssertJ, and JSONPath.

The course also addresses performance considerations for unit tests and provides guidance on writing good unit tests.

One standout feature is the inclusion of a learning community, ensuring you have access to support and resources throughout your learning journey.

You will learn to write robust and maintainable unit tests, leveraging the power of Mockito and other testing tools and frameworks.

JUnit and Mockito Crash Course

JUnit and Mockito Crash Course

You will start by setting up the necessary software like Java SDK and Eclipse IDE.

After an overview of unit testing concepts, you will dive into JUnit, learning how to write basic tests, handle exceptions, and use annotations like @Before and @After.

The course then covers JUnit 5, guiding you through creating a Maven project, fixing annotations, and running tests using Maven.

You will learn to test with Mockito by mocking objects, stubbing methods, and verifying behavior.

Hands-on examples include testing order placement, negative scenarios, and exceptions.

Test coverage is emphasized, with instructions on installing EclEmma and measuring and improving code coverage.

Advanced Mockito topics like verification modes, stubbing void methods, and consecutive call testing are covered.

You will explore best practices, the F.I.R.S.T principle, test doubles, and partial mocking with spies.

The course progresses to testing a Maven-based Java web application, including parameterized JUnit tests and mocking static methods.

You will create Spring Boot microservices, integrate them, and test the applications using Mockito.

Real-world examples include testing a coupon service, an e-dating REST API, and implementing user registration, interest updates, and match finding.

Spring Boot Unit Testing with JUnit, Mockito and MockMvc

Spring Boot Unit Testing with JUnit, Mockito and MockMvc

The course starts by reviewing JUnit, the popular Java testing framework, covering assertions, test lifecycle methods, custom display names, and more.

You’ll learn how to write unit tests for various scenarios, including conditional tests and parameterized tests.

The course then dives into Spring Boot unit testing, teaching you how to set up projects, read application properties, inject Spring beans, and test with assertions.

You’ll also learn about testing prototype beans, which is crucial in certain situations.

One of the key focuses of the course is mocking with Mockito.

You’ll get an in-depth understanding of how to create mock objects, set up method stubs, and verify method invocations.

The course covers throwing exceptions with mocks and using the MockBean annotation for Spring Boot applications.

Another important aspect covered is reflection test utils, which can be handy when working with private methods and fields.

The course walks you through coding examples to demonstrate how to use these utilities effectively.

The course includes a substantial project where you’ll apply the concepts learned to test a Spring Boot MVC web application.

You’ll learn how to perform database integration testing, set up and clean up test data, and test various aspects of the application, including the service layer, MVC controllers, and REST APIs.

Throughout the course, you’ll work with technologies like SQL, MySQL, Thymeleaf, and Maven, giving you a well-rounded understanding of how to test Spring Boot applications from different angles.

Mockito: Next-Level Java Unit Testing

Mockito: Next-Level Java Unit Testing

The course starts with an introduction to mocking theory and frameworks, setting you up with the foundational knowledge.

You’ll learn how to set up your Eclipse or IntelliJ project for working with Mockito.

One key aspect covered is understanding what should be mocked and what shouldn’t be.

You’ll dive into the basics of Mockito 4, including creating your first mocks, setting default and custom return values, throwing exceptions, and using argument matchers.

Verifying behavior and working with spies and void methods are also part of the curriculum.

As you progress, you’ll explore more advanced concepts like argument captors, annotations, and Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) with Mockito.

The course teaches strict stubbing, mocking static, final, and private methods, and using Mockito Answers.

You’ll learn how to integrate Mockito with Spring Boot and upgrade to Mockito 5.

The syllabus includes additional videos, a Mockito 3 cheat sheet, and the complete project source code with all tests.

There’s even a bonus lecture and a section on whether you need PowerMock.

Testing Java with JUnit 5 & Mockito

Testing Java with JUnit 5 & Mockito

You’ll start by grasping the fundamentals of unit testing, including the F.I.R.S.T principle, test isolation, and the testing pyramid.

As you progress, you’ll dive into JUnit 5, exploring its integration with build tools like Maven and Gradle, and learning to create and execute unit tests.

The course takes a hands-on approach, guiding you through practical exercises that reinforce concepts like assertions, test lifecycle methods, and naming conventions.

You’ll also learn advanced techniques like parameterized tests, repeated tests, and controlling test execution order.

Test-Driven Development (TDD) is a core focus, teaching you how to write tests before implementing code, fostering a more robust and maintainable codebase.

Mockito is introduced to mock dependencies, stub methods, and verify interactions, essential skills for testing complex systems.

Code coverage is emphasized, with lessons on generating reports and using tools like Jacoco to analyze test coverage.

The course then dives into testing Spring Boot applications, covering testing REST controllers, integration testing with all layers, and testing data layers with JPA entities and repositories.

Throughout the journey, you’ll work with real-world examples, building projects from scratch and enhancing existing codebases.

Quizzes and exercises solidify your understanding, ensuring you grasp the material before moving forward.

Testing Spring Boot App with JUnit, Mockito & Testcontainers

Testing Spring Boot App with JUnit, Mockito & Testcontainers

You’ll start by learning the fundamentals of unit and integration testing in Java.

The course then dives into best practices for unit testing with JUnit, a widely-used testing framework.

You’ll learn how to set up a Spring Boot project and write unit tests for different layers of the application, including the repository, service, and controller layers.

One of the standout features of this course is its coverage of Mockito, a popular mocking framework for Java.

You’ll learn how to use Mockito to create mock objects and test your code in isolation.

The course covers various Mockito techniques, such as using @Mock and @InjectMocks annotations, and testing scenarios with and without exceptions.

The course also covers integration testing using a local MySQL database and Testcontainers, a modern approach to running databases and other services in containerized environments.

Testcontainers simplify the setup and teardown of test environments, making integration tests more reliable and consistent.

In addition to testing traditional REST APIs, the course explores reactive programming with Spring WebFlux.

You’ll learn how to build and test reactive CRUD REST APIs using WebFlux, a reactive web framework from Spring.

This section covers unit and integration testing for reactive APIs, providing you with a well-rounded understanding of testing in both synchronous and asynchronous environments.

The course includes assignments and quizzes to reinforce your learning, as well as access to source code for all the examples covered.

Spring Boot Fundamentals with Unit Testing (MockMVC/Mockito)

Spring Boot Fundamentals with Unit Testing (MockMVC/Mockito)

You’ll start by learning how to configure and set up your Spring Boot project, including installing the necessary tools like Eclipse and the Spring Tools Suite plugin.

From there, you’ll dive into the fundamentals of Spring Boot, developing a simple “Hello World” REST service to understand key concepts like REST controllers and the @AutoWired annotation.

A significant portion of the course focuses on building REST APIs from scratch, guiding you through the entire process of designing API contracts, creating entity beans, setting up a MySQL database, and implementing CRUD operations using JPA repositories.

You’ll also learn how to handle error scenarios and build response headers with appropriate status codes.

As you progress, you’ll explore advanced topics like implementing custom JPA interfaces, logging for REST services, and securing your services with authorization.

The course dedicates substantial time to unit testing, introducing you to frameworks like JUnit, Mockito, and MockMVC.

You’ll learn how to identify candidates for unit testing, mock dependencies using Mockito, and write comprehensive tests for your REST controllers using MockMVC.

Integration testing is also covered in-depth, with a focus on using the H2 mock database and the TestRestTemplate class to validate your services’ responses.

The course even shows you how to run all your unit and integration tests as a batch using Maven commands.

Throughout the course, you’ll work on a real-world project, building microservices with Spring Boot and applying the concepts you’ve learned.

Instant Test Driven Development with Java, JUnit and Mockito

Instant Test Driven Development with Java, JUnit and Mockito

You’ll start with the basics of TDD, learning the philosophy behind it and practicing with instant demos and longer examples.

The course dives deep into JUnit, the de facto standard for unit testing in Java, covering assertions, exceptions, timeouts, ignoring tests, and the test lifecycle.

One of the highlights is the comprehensive coverage of Mockito.

You’ll learn how to use mocks for isolating and testing individual components, with instant demos and in-depth examples.

The course explores various Mockito features like returning different values, verifying interactions, and handling exceptions.

Parameterized tests are also covered in detail, with demos and examples using both JUnit’s built-in support and third-party libraries like JUnitParams.

This can be a real time-saver when you need to test multiple scenarios with different inputs.

For those interested in testing Spring applications, the course has a dedicated section on using the SpringJUnitRunner and includes a worked example of building a Spring REST API using TDD.

The syllabus also touches on advanced topics like JUnit rules, custom runners, and behavior-driven development (BDD) with Mockito.

You’ll even learn how to leverage Java 8 features to reduce the need for mocking in certain cases.

Throughout the course, you’ll work with practical examples and get hands-on experience setting up projects in both IntelliJ and Maven.

JUnit 5, Mockito, PowerMock, TDD, BDD & ATTD

JUnit 5, Mockito, PowerMock, TDD, BDD & ATTD

This course starts with an introduction to testing for software engineers, ensuring you understand the importance of testing in the development process.

You will learn JUnit 5, the latest version of the popular unit testing framework for Java.

The course dives deep into the JUnit 5 API, including advanced features and how to measure test code coverage.

It also covers the Hamcrest library for more expressive assertions.

Moving on, you’ll learn integration testing and how to use Mockito, a powerful mocking framework.

The course dedicates two entire sections to Mockito, ensuring you master all its features and capabilities.

Additionally, you’ll learn PowerMockito, which extends Mockito’s capabilities for more advanced use cases.

The course also covers essential testing methodologies like Test-Driven Development (TDD), Behavior-Driven Development (BDD), and Acceptance Test-Driven Development (ATTD).

You’ll learn the theory behind these methodologies and get hands-on practice implementing them.

Throughout the course, you’ll have unlimited access to the ‘Learn IT’ application, allowing you to apply what you’ve learned in a practical setting.

The course also includes a communication plan to ensure you can get your questions answered and stay on track.