The Complete Node.js Developer Course (3rd Edition)

The Complete Node.js Developer Course (3rd Edition)

The course starts by introducing you to Node.js, its non-blocking I/O model, and the V8 JavaScript engine that powers it.

You’ll learn how to work with the Node.js module system, import core modules, third-party npm packages, and create your own modules.

Along the way, you’ll build a notes app to solidify your understanding of file system operations, command-line arguments, and JSON data handling.

As you progress, you’ll dive into asynchronous programming with Node.js, making HTTP requests, and creating web servers with Express.

The course guides you through building a weather app, where you’ll fetch real-time weather data from APIs and render dynamic HTML pages using templating engines like Handlebars.

The course then covers more advanced topics like connecting to MongoDB databases using Mongoose, creating REST APIs, user authentication with JSON Web Tokens (JWT), file uploads, and sending emails.

You’ll build a task manager app, complete with user accounts, task management, sorting, filtering, and pagination features.

Testing is a crucial aspect of software development, and the course dedicates a section to testing Node.js applications using Jest, including writing test cases, assertions, and mocking libraries.

Finally, you’ll learn how to build real-time web applications with by creating a chat app that supports real-time messaging, location sharing, and user tracking across multiple rooms.

Throughout the course, you’ll gain hands-on experience with various tools and technologies, such as Git, GitHub, Heroku for deployment, and Postman for testing APIs.

The course also covers ES6 features like arrow functions, object destructuring, and default function parameters, helping you write cleaner and more modern JavaScript code.

NodeJS - The Complete Guide (MVC, REST APIs, GraphQL, Deno)

NodeJS - The Complete Guide (MVC, REST APIs, GraphQL, Deno)

The course starts by introducing you to Node.js, its core concepts, and the basics you need to know.

You’ll learn about the event loop, non-blocking code, and how to create a Node server.

As you progress, you’ll dive into improving your development workflow, debugging techniques, and working with Express.js, a popular web application framework.

One of the highlights is the in-depth coverage of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which is crucial for building scalable and maintainable applications.

You’ll learn how to implement MVC in Node.js, work with databases like SQL and MongoDB, and use Sequelize, an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool.

The course also covers essential topics like authentication, validation, error handling, file uploads, and pagination.

You’ll learn how to send emails, implement advanced authentication features like password reset, and understand the principles of REST APIs.

The instructor guides you through building a practical REST API application, covering everything from setting up routes to handling requests and responses.

Additionally, you’ll explore modern JavaScript features like ES Modules and Promises, and how to use them with Node.js.

The course also introduces you to TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing, and shows you how to integrate it with Node.js projects.

Interestingly, the course dedicates a section to Deno, a relatively new runtime that aims to address some of Node.js’s shortcomings.

You’ll learn what Deno is, why it was created, and how to work with it, including connecting it to a MongoDB database and performing CRUD operations.

Throughout the course, you’ll work with various templating engines like Pug, Handlebars, and EJS, and learn about WebSockets and for real-time communication.

The deployment process is also covered, with instructions on deploying your Node.js applications to platforms like Heroku.

Learn and Understand NodeJS

Learn and Understand NodeJS

You’ll start by understanding the fundamentals, like the V8 JavaScript engine that powers Node.js and the command line interface for running Node programs.

The course dives deep into core Node.js concepts like modules, exports, and require statements for organizing code.

You’ll learn about the event-driven architecture with the Event Emitter and how Node.js handles asynchronous code using libuv and the event loop.

Working with streams, buffers, and files is also covered in detail.

As you progress, you’ll build a web server from scratch using Node’s HTTP module, understanding concepts like TCP/IP, addresses, ports, and HTTP itself.

The syllabus covers outputting HTML templates and JSON, routing, and performance optimization with streams.

The course introduces npm, the Node package manager, teaching you how to use other people’s code and manage dependencies with semantic versioning.

You’ll work with the popular Express framework, building RESTful APIs, handling routes, static files, templates, and structuring web apps.

Databases are a key part of the syllabus, covering both relational (MySQL) and NoSQL (MongoDB with Mongoose).

You’ll learn about the MEAN stack, combining MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node.js for full-stack development.

Towards the end, you’ll build a complete app called “NodeTodo” from scratch, applying concepts like software requirements, setting up MongoDB and Mongoose, creating an API, and integrating an Angular 2 front-end.

Angular & NodeJS - The MEAN Stack Guide [2024 Edition]

Angular & NodeJS - The MEAN Stack Guide [2024 Edition]

You’ll start by understanding the fundamentals of the MEAN stack and how its components work together.

The course covers setting up your development environment, including installing Node.js and the Angular CLI.

You’ll then dive into building the Angular frontend, learning about components, data binding, forms, and more.

Next, you’ll integrate Node.js and Express to create a backend API, handling HTTP requests and responses.

The course covers connecting your Angular frontend to this API, as well as implementing MongoDB as the database using Mongoose.

As you progress, you’ll add advanced features like authentication, authorization, image uploads, pagination, and error handling.

The course also covers optimizations, such as separating concerns with controllers and middleware, creating Angular modules, and lazy loading.

Finally, you’ll learn how to deploy your MEAN stack application to a live server, ensuring it’s accessible to users worldwide.

Throughout the course, you’ll work on a real-world project, applying the concepts you learn to build a fully-functional web application.

The instructor provides clear explanations, code examples, and practical exercises to reinforce your understanding.

Node.js, Express, MongoDB & More: The Complete Bootcamp 2024

Node.js, Express, MongoDB & More: The Complete Bootcamp 2024

The course starts by introducing you to Node.js and its core modules, allowing you to run JavaScript outside the browser.

You’ll learn about asynchronous programming, creating web servers, routing, and building simple APIs.

The syllabus also covers NPM, the package manager for Node.js, and how to use third-party modules.

As you progress, you’ll dive into back-end web development concepts like HTTP, front-end vs. back-end, and static vs. dynamic vs. API.

The course provides an in-depth look at how Node.js works under the hood, including the event loop, streams, and module loading.

One of the highlights is the extensive coverage of Express, a popular web application framework for Node.js.

You’ll learn to build a RESTful API from scratch, handling GET, POST, PATCH, and DELETE requests.

The syllabus covers middleware, file structure, and best practices for building robust APIs.

MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database, is also covered in detail.

You’ll learn how to create a hosted database with Atlas, connect it to your Express app, and use Mongoose, an Object Data Modeling (ODM) library, to interact with MongoDB.

The course covers advanced topics like data modeling, geospatial data, embedding, referencing, and indexing for better performance.

Authentication and authorization are crucial aspects of web development, and the syllabus covers them extensively.

You’ll learn to model users, implement JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication, handle password resets, and manage user roles and permissions.

The course also covers server-side rendering with Pug templates, allowing you to build dynamic web pages.

You’ll learn to create templates, extend them with blocks, and integrate features like maps and user authentication.

Advanced topics like file uploads with Multer, image resizing, email handling with Nodemailer and Sendgrid, and credit card payments with Stripe are also included in the syllabus.

Finally, you’ll learn how to set up Git and GitHub for version control, deploy your app to Heroku, implement CORS, and handle Stripe webhooks for secure payments.

Microservices with Node JS and React

Microservices with Node JS and React

The course starts by introducing the fundamental concepts of microservices and the challenges associated with data management and communication between services.

You’ll build a mini-microservices app from scratch, learning how to handle CORS errors, create services for posts and comments, and implement an event bus for asynchronous communication.

The course dives deep into using Docker and Kubernetes for containerization and orchestration, covering important concepts like pods, deployments, services, and ingress.

As you progress, you’ll learn about advanced topics such as response normalization strategies, database management with MongoDB, authentication strategies, and testing isolated microservices.

The course also covers server-side rendering with Next.js, code sharing between services, and implementing CRUD operations.

You’ll gain hands-on experience with NATS Streaming Server as an event bus implementation, handling concurrency issues, and building worker services for tasks like order expiration.

The course covers integrating payment systems like Stripe and implementing CI/CD workflows with GitHub Actions for automated testing and deployment.

Throughout the course, you’ll work on a real-world ticketing application, learning how to handle events, data replication, and integrating various microservices.

Node with React: Fullstack Web Development

Node with React: Fullstack Web Development

The course starts by setting up the server-side architecture with Node and Express.

You’ll learn how to generate Express apps, handle routes, and deploy to platforms like Heroku and Render.

Authentication is implemented using Google OAuth, giving you hands-on experience with the OAuth flow and Passport.js.

MongoDB is then integrated as the database, covering everything from setting up Atlas to creating models and handling queries.

You’ll dive deep into authentication, encoding users, managing sessions, and logging in/out.

The focus then shifts to the client-side, where you’ll generate a React app and learn how to run it alongside the server.

Redux is introduced for state management, and you’ll build out components like the header and landing page.

Importantly, you’ll handle payments using Stripe’s API, allowing users to purchase credits.

As you progress, you’ll create surveys that can be emailed out, leveraging services like SendGrid (or Mailgun) for email delivery.

Webhooks are implemented to track user feedback, involving techniques like data parsing and processing pipelines.

The course culminates with fetching and displaying surveys, giving you a complete full-stack application.

Along the way, you’ll encounter real-world challenges like handling different environments (dev vs. prod), version control, and deployment strategies.

Node.js: The Complete Guide to Build RESTful APIs (2018)

Node.js: The Complete Guide to Build RESTful APIs (2018)

You’ll start by learning the fundamentals of Node.js, including its architecture, module system, and how to work with core modules like File System and HTTP.

The course then dives into using Express, a popular web application framework for Node.js.

You’ll learn how to build a web server, handle different HTTP requests (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), use route parameters, and validate user input.

There’s even a project to build a RESTful API for managing movie genres.

Moving on, you’ll explore advanced Express topics like middleware, environments, configuration, debugging, and database integration.

The course utilizes MongoDB as the database, teaching you CRUD operations, data validation with Mongoose, and modeling relationships between connected data.

Authentication and authorization are covered in-depth, including user registration, password hashing, JSON Web Tokens, protecting routes, role-based access control, and testing authentication/authorization.

Error handling is another key topic, covering promise rejections, Express error middleware, logging errors to MongoDB, and handling uncaught exceptions.

The course emphasizes refactoring and code organization principles.

You’ll learn the importance of automated testing, with dedicated sections on unit testing with Jest, integration testing, and test-driven development.

Writing clean, maintainable tests is emphasized throughout.

Finally, you’ll prepare your app for production and learn how to deploy it to Heroku, a cloud platform.

Node JS: Advanced Concepts

Node JS: Advanced Concepts

You’ll start by diving into the inner workings of Node, learning about its module implementations, the event loop, and how it leverages C++ and libuv for async operations.

The course covers multithreading with the libuv thread pool, revealing whether Node is truly single-threaded.

To enhance performance, you’ll learn clustering for load balancing, using PM2 for process management, and implementing worker threads.

The project setup guides you through integrating MongoDB and configuring Redis for caching queries, significantly boosting performance.

Automated testing takes center stage with Puppeteer for headless browser testing.

You’ll navigate Chromium instances, assert OAuth flows, generate sessions, and test blog creation end-to-end.

The course dives deep into continuous integration with GitHub Actions, guiding you through YAML configuration and triggering CI builds.

Scalable file uploads are covered using AWS S3 presigned URLs, handling CORS issues, and tying uploads to blog posts.

You’ll create IAM users, configure S3 buckets, and integrate the AWS SDK.

Throughout the journey, you’ll encounter real-world challenges like unexpected event loop behavior, query performance bottlenecks, and authentication complexities – all addressed with practical solutions.

Node.js API Masterclass With Express & MongoDB

Node.js API Masterclass With Express & MongoDB

You’ll kick things off by getting familiar with HTTP - headers, body, status codes, and more.

This lays the foundation for understanding how APIs work.

You’ll then dive into Node.js and the built-in HTTP module, learning to respond with data and handle different HTTP methods.

The real fun begins when you start building the DevCamper project - a bootcamp directory app.

You’ll create routes, controllers, and use middleware in Express.

After setting up MongoDB Atlas and connecting with Mongoose, you’ll model bootcamp data and perform CRUD operations.

The course covers advanced topics like custom error handling, Mongoose middleware for things like slugifying, and using the MapQuest API for geocoding locations.

You’ll master querying MongoDB with filtering, sorting, pagination, and even geospatial queries to find bootcamps within a radius.

Relationships are key in APIs, so you’ll learn to use Mongoose population to include associated courses for each bootcamp.

There’s also photo upload functionality using Node.

User authentication is crucial, so you’ll implement JSON Web Tokens for login, registration, password reset, and role-based permissions.

You’ll control what users can access bootcamps and courses they don’t own.

The course even covers building a reviews and ratings system, allowing users to leave reviews and calculate average ratings for bootcamps.

To secure your API, you’ll implement rate limiting, sanitize data to prevent NoSQL injection, use security headers, and handle CORS.

Finally, you’ll deploy the full app to a DigitalOcean droplet using PM2, NGINX as a reverse proxy, and setting up a domain with SSL.