Are you looking for the best Oracle 1Z0-1048 courses on Udemy to prepare for your Oracle Time and Labor Cloud Implementation Essentials exam?

Choosing the right course can be a daunting task, but we’ve done the research for you and compiled a list of the top-rated courses that will help you ace this Oracle exam.

Read on to find the perfect Udemy course that fits your learning style and budget.

1z0-1048-22: Oracle Time and Labor Cloud 2022 1z0-1048

1z0-1048-22: Oracle Time and Labor Cloud 2022 1z0-1048

As an Oracle Certified Professional, you’ll demonstrate expertise in setting up Oracle Time and Labor Cloud using the Workforce Deployment tasks available in the Functional Setup Manager (FSM).

This course provides a comprehensive collection of real exam questions from previous Oracle Time and Labor Certification exams.

By practicing with these questions, you’ll gain a deep understanding of the key concepts and processes involved in implementing Payroll using Oracle Time and Labor Cloud.

One of the main benefits of this course is that it covers the essential skills required for a successful Oracle Time and Labor Cloud implementation.

You’ll learn how to identify the critical concepts that determine a smooth implementation process.

Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to test your setup by entering data and performing common payroll processes within the Oracle Time and Labor Cloud environment.

The course material also guides you through using the Functional Setup Manager (FSM) to implement payroll and other related tasks.

This practical experience with the FSM tool is invaluable, as it’s a crucial component of the Oracle Time and Labor Cloud implementation process.

By working through the real exam questions and hands-on activities, you’ll gain the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in this certification exam.

1Z0-1048: Oracle Time and Labor Cloud 2023 Practice Tests

1Z0-1048: Oracle Time and Labor Cloud 2023 Practice Tests

The course offers 6 sets of randomized questions, each containing 15 questions.

You’ll have 60 minutes to complete each set, giving you around 4 minutes per question.

However, the actual 1Z0-1048 exam only allows 90 minutes for 55 questions, averaging 1 minute and 38 seconds per question.

So while these practice tests provide more time for reviewing documentation, the real exam will be more time-constrained.

One notable aspect is that the questions are categorized by Knowledge Area, helping you identify the relevant module and scope.

For instance, some questions about work schedules fall under the Global Human Resources module but are still relevant for the Time and Labor exam.

This cross-module approach ensures you gain comprehensive knowledge required for a Time and Labor implementer role.

By practicing with these sets, you can better prepare for the exam’s format and content.

Oracle Time and Labor Cloud 2022 Implementation Professional

Oracle Time and Labor Cloud 2022 Implementation Professional

In this Udemy course you will learn how to configure general system settings, published schedules, team schedules, and schedule change audits.

The course dives deep into creating repeating time periods for time card entry, approvals, time rules processing, and overtime calculations.

It teaches you to set up custom time attributes and time entry layout components for reporting and time card field customization.

The course explains compensatory time and integrations with Absence Management, Payroll, and Project modules.

You’ll learn to validate, approve, and transfer reported time to Payroll for payment processing.

It covers managing value sets and time card fields for Project Time Entry setup.

You’ll also learn how to report, approve, and transfer absences entered on time cards and integrate time collection devices to reduce errors.

Building time categories, layout sets, time consumer sets, and groups is a key part of the course.

You’ll create time entry layouts, group time attributes into categories, and build time consumer sets with approval periods, validation rules, and time transfer rules.

Setting up group definitions for Time and Labor is also covered, along with configuring mass time card creation and mass time entry.

Configuring time rules is a major focus area.

You’ll learn to create rule templates, define time entry and calculation rules based on templates, and build rule sets assignable to worker groups via time processing profiles.

Workforce compliance rules and alert framework notifications are also included.

The course teaches you to configure worker time processing profiles associating rule sets, time consumer sets, time card periods, validation, approvals, attestation options, and time transfer settings.

You’ll also build worker time entry profiles linking layout sets and time entry actions to control access.

Scheduling topics like managing shift properties and defining scheduler profiles are covered.

For approvals, you’ll learn to configure approval groups, types, time card approval tasks, rules, and overriding normal approval flows.

Mass timecard submission and approval processes are explained.

Finally, the course delves into time device setup, processing, rules, and time entry rules for integrating physical time clocks.