Public speaking is a vital skill for anyone who wants to effectively communicate their ideas, inspire others, or simply feel confident and comfortable in front of an audience.

From presenting at work to giving a speech at a wedding, the ability to connect with an audience is invaluable in both professional and personal settings.

By mastering public speaking, you can enhance your career prospects, boost your self-confidence, and become a more persuasive communicator.

Finding the right public speaking course on Coursera can be a challenge, with so many options available.

You want a course that not only equips you with the technical skills but also helps you overcome anxieties and develop a natural, engaging presence.

For the best public speaking course overall on Coursera, we highly recommend the Dynamic Public Speaking Specialization from the University of Washington.

This comprehensive program is designed to transform you into a confident and effective speaker, offering real-world practice, virtual reality simulations, and feedback from peers and instructors.

While this specialization stands out as our top pick, there are other excellent public speaking courses on Coursera catering to different needs and learning styles.

Keep reading to explore our comprehensive list of recommendations and discover the perfect course to elevate your public speaking skills.

Dynamic Public Speaking Specialization

Dynamic Public Speaking Specialization

This University of Washington’s specialization is designed to make you a more confident and effective speaker, ready to engage any audience.

The “Introduction to Public Speaking” course lays the groundwork, teaching you to organize and articulate your thoughts effectively.

You’ll tackle speech anxiety and learn to present with poise.

The unique feature here is the virtual reality practice, offering you a simulated audience for real-time feedback.

For conveying intricate concepts simply, “Speaking to Inform: Discussing Complex Ideas with Clear Explanations and Dynamic Slides” is your go-to.

It equips you to create presentations that resonate, ensuring your slides support your message without overwhelming your audience.

When persuasion is key, “Speaking to Persuade: Motivating Audiences with Solid Arguments and Moving Language” helps you craft arguments that are clear and impactful.

You’ll learn to persuade without being confrontational, encouraging your audience to act on your message.

Finally, “Speaking to Inspire: Ceremonial and Motivational Speeches” teaches you to deliver speeches that resonate on a deeper level.

Whether it’s a keynote or a eulogy, you’ll learn to weave narrative and emotion, captivating your audience.

Each course emphasizes hands-on practice and peer feedback, crucial for honing your public speaking skills.

Good with Words: Speaking and Presenting Specialization

Good with Words: Speaking and Presenting Specialization

Each course in this specialization, created by the University of Michigan, targets a specific aspect of speaking and presenting, equipping you with a well-rounded skill set.

In “Speaking and Presenting: Poise,” you’ll learn to captivate audiences with confidence and clarity.

The course breaks down the elements of poise, teaching you to structure your message and use rhythm to enhance your delivery.

Imagine engaging a room full of people with ease—that’s what mastering poise can do for you.

For those looking to influence, “Speaking and Presenting: Pitches and Persuasion” combines data and vision to inspire action.

You’ll learn to craft stories that resonate, employ dynamic gestures, and infuse creativity into your pitches.

This course is about turning your presentations into compelling calls to action.

“Speaking and Presenting: Conversation Starters” is ideal if you want to excel in one-on-one interactions or group settings.

It covers techniques for sparking interest and building rapport, using strategies like mirroring and common language.

You’ll gain the confidence to initiate and sustain engaging conversations.

Finally, “Speaking and Presenting: Tact” focuses on crafting messages with empathy and respect.

Whether delivering tough news or making an apology, this course guides you in communicating with sincerity and consideration.

It’s about ensuring your message is not just delivered but also positively received.

Communicating with Presence Specialization

Communicating with Presence Specialization

This specialization is offered by the IESE Business School.

It’s tailored to enhance your communication prowess in various professional scenarios.

In “Persuasive Communication,” you’ll master the art of impactful messaging.

This course equips you with strategies to ensure your ideas resonate and influence your audience.

Whether presenting to colleagues or pitching to clients, you’ll learn to articulate your thoughts compellingly.

“The Role of the Media” offers a deep dive into media dynamics and journalism.

It’s ideal if you aim to navigate press interactions with confidence.

You’ll gain insights into media engagement, preparing you to manage interviews and craft effective press communications.

For those facing high-stakes environments, “Crisis Communications” is invaluable.

This course prepares you to maintain composure and communicate clearly during challenging situations.

You’ll acquire the skills to manage crisis-driven interviews and deliver messages that preserve trust and authority.

Improve Your English Communication Skills Specialization

Improve Your English Communication Skills Specialization

This suite of courses, offered by Georgia Tech, is tailored to equip you with the communication skills needed for success in today’s global market.

Dive into “Write Professional Emails in English” to master the art of crafting impactful emails.

This course goes beyond basic grammar, focusing on how to create compelling subject lines, maintain the appropriate tone, and navigate cultural nuances in business communication.

By the end, you’ll be adept at writing emails that command attention and respect.

In “Speak English Professionally: In Person, Online & On the Phone,” you’ll elevate your spoken English to new heights.

From making strong personal introductions to excelling in group discussions and phone etiquette, this course hones your verbal skills for any setting.

You’ll also learn to adapt your body language for cross-cultural interactions, ensuring your message is always clear and effective.

“Build Your Professional ePortfolio in English” teaches you to distinguish yourself in the digital landscape.

You’ll learn to create an ePortfolio that showcases your talents and experiences, and discover how to leverage it across social platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter for networking and career advancement.

The capstone course, “Take Your English Communication Skills to the Next Level,” integrates all the skills you’ve learned.

It offers a deeper exploration of cultural communication, email refinement, and advanced speaking techniques.

You’ll emerge with the ability to present yourself and your ideas with precision and persuasiveness.

Each course is designed with practical quizzes, peer evaluations, and hands-on tasks to ensure active learning and application.

Learn English: Advanced Academic Speaking and Listening Specialization

Learn English: Advanced Academic Speaking and Listening Specialization

This specialization, offered by the University of California, Irvine, is designed to elevate your academic English skills, if you’re aiming to pursue higher education or advance your career in academia.

It’s structured to build your confidence in note-taking, presenting, and engaging in discussions.

The “Academic Listening and Note-Taking” course equips you with the skills to follow complex discussions and capture key information effectively.

It’s ideal if you’re aiming to grasp every detail in business meetings or lectures.

The course offers practical techniques for note-taking and engaging in academic conversations, with free access to instructional videos and handouts.

For those who dread public speaking, “Presentations: Speaking so that People Listen” is a lifesaver.

It focuses on crafting and delivering presentations that resonate with your audience.

You’ll learn to structure your speech, make an impact, and communicate with clarity.

The course encourages hands-on learning by having you record and receive feedback on your presentations.

In “Academic Discussions in English,” you’ll hone your conversational skills for professional settings.

This course teaches you to navigate various types of discussions, understand others’ perspectives, and articulate your thoughts with precision.

Practice comes from recording your own discussions, a practical approach to refining your dialogue abilities.

The capstone, “Advanced Speaking and Listening Project,” synthesizes all the skills from the previous courses.

You’ll research a topic, interview experts, and create a compelling presentation complete with visuals.

This project simulates a real-world presentation, enhancing both your verbal and non-verbal communication skills.

Effective Communication: Writing, Design, and Presentation Specialization

Effective Communication: Writing, Design, and Presentation Specialization

This specialization on Coursera is a comprehensive suite designed to elevate your professional communication skills.

It’s offered by the University of Colorado Boulder, a top-ranked American public university.

Dive into “Business Writing” and master the art of crafting compelling content.

This course equips you with the top ten principles of effective writing, ensuring your ideas are presented with clarity and impact.

It’s practical, immediately applicable, and even counts towards CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Data Science (MS-DS) degree for those considering an academic boost.

“Graphic Design” is your toolkit for visual impact.

Learn to create eye-catching PowerPoints, reports, and more with best practices that make design accessible.

You’ll start projects with newfound confidence and use common software like PowerPoint or Google Slides to bring your visions to life.

Then there’s “Successful Presentation,” a course that transforms public speaking from daunting to empowering.

Discover personal speaking strategies that resonate with audiences and command attention, regardless of the setting.

Cap it all off with the “Effective Communication Capstone Project,” where you’ll compile a portfolio showcasing your writing, design, and presentation prowess.

This final project not only hones your skills but also carves out your unique professional identity.

Influencing: Storytelling, Change Management and Governance Specialization

Influencing: Storytelling, Change Management and Governance Specialization

This specialization is tailored to enhance your ability to lead, negotiate, and communicate with authority.

It’s offered by Macquarie University.

Dive into “Leading transformations: Manage change” to refine your approach to organizational change.

You’ll learn to craft change initiatives and navigate the complexities of transformation with a strategic mindset.

This course equips you with the tools to lead change effectively, ensuring you’re prepared to influence outcomes positively.

Sharpen your conflict resolution skills with “Negotiation skills: Negotiate and resolve conflict.”

This course empowers you to dissect and navigate organizational politics, equipping you with strategies for successful negotiations.

You’ll emerge with the ability to manage conflicts and negotiate with confidence, a vital skill in any professional setting.

“Storytelling and influencing: Communicate with impact” is designed to boost your persuasive communication.

It’s not just about speaking; it’s about making a lasting impression.

You’ll explore how to tailor your message, engage your audience, and drive your points home, ensuring your vision is not just heard but embraced.

Finally, “Risk governance: Manage the risks” focuses on the essentials of organizational governance and risk management.

You’ll analyze governance structures, apply risk management principles, and tackle ethical dilemmas.

This course prepares you to foster an environment where every team member is aligned with serving the organization’s stakeholders.

Each course is interactive, featuring video lectures and practical assessments to solidify your learning.

Data Analysis and Presentation Skills: the PwC Approach Specialization

Data Analysis and Presentation Skills: the PwC Approach Specialization

This series goes beyond traditional speaking skills by integrating data analysis into your presentations.

It derives from PwC’s approach to data analytics, a framework that’s been refined over decades of professional services experience.

In “Data-driven Decision Making,” you’ll uncover the significance of data in business and learn to navigate the world of “Big Data.”

This course equips you with analytical tools and techniques, setting the stage for informed decision-making.

Moving on to “Problem Solving with Excel,” you’ll master Excel from the ground up, culminating in a project that showcases your proficiency.

Keep in mind, this course is optimized for Excel 2013 on Windows.

With “Data Visualization with Advanced Excel,” you’ll delve into PowerPivot, build databases, and perform complex analyses.

You’ll also craft dynamic dashboards, translating data into visual stories.

Note that PowerPivot is necessary for some exercises, and Excel 2013 is recommended.

“Effective Business Presentations with PowerPoint” is where your public speaking skills get a workout.

You’ll learn to design impactful slides and deliver presentations with clarity and confidence, turning data into persuasive narratives.

Lastly, the capstone project challenges you to apply all your new skills.

You’ll analyze a dataset, research a client’s domain, and present your recommendations in a recorded presentation.