[NEW] Spring Security 6 Zero to Master along with JWT,OAUTH2

[NEW] Spring Security 6 Zero to Master along with JWT,OAUTH2

This course is a comprehensive guide to mastering Spring Security 6, covering everything from authentication and authorization to advanced topics like JWT, OAuth2, and method-level security.

You’ll start by learning the fundamentals of Spring Security, including how to secure a basic Spring Boot app and configure static credentials.

The course dives deep into user management, exploring different approaches like InMemoryUserDetailsManager and JdbcUserDetailsManager.

You’ll also learn about password encoding techniques like BCrypt.

The course then covers essential security concepts like authentication providers, allowing you to implement custom authentication logic.

You’ll gain insights into handling CORS and CSRF issues, crucial for building secure web applications.

Authorization takes center stage as you learn to configure authorities and roles using Spring Security.

The course also teaches you to write custom filters, giving you fine-grained control over the request lifecycle.

Moving on, you’ll explore token-based authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT), a modern approach to authentication that addresses the limitations of traditional session-based authentication.

Method-level security is another key topic, where you’ll learn to secure individual methods using annotations like @PreAuthorize and @PostAuthorize, as well as filtering techniques like @PreFilter and @PostFilter.

The course provides an in-depth understanding of OAuth2 and OpenID Connect, covering various grant types like authorization code, implicit, password, client credentials, and refresh token.

You’ll learn how to integrate Spring Security with OAuth2 providers like GitHub and implement OAuth2-style login using Keycloak, a popular open-source identity and access management solution.

Throughout the course, you’ll work on a real-world project called EazyBank, allowing you to apply the concepts you’ve learned in a practical setting.

This hands-on experience will solidify your understanding and prepare you for building secure applications in the real world.

Spring Security Fundamentals (OAuth ,JWT,CSRF and more)

Spring Security Fundamentals (OAuth ,JWT,CSRF and more)

You’ll start by learning the key security components and how Spring Security works, including creating custom configurations, user details services, and authentication providers.

The course then dives into building secure microservices, teaching you how to create REST APIs and web applications with Spring Security.

You’ll learn to implement features like custom login, user registration, and saving the security context.

Crucial topics like CSRF and CORS protection are also covered in-depth, with hands-on examples.

Security testing is a major focus, with dedicated sections on testing setups, user roles, CSRF, CORS, and authentication.

You’ll gain practical experience using testing annotations like @WithUserDetails.

The course also explores method-level security using annotations like @PreAuthorize and @PostAuthorize, giving you fine-grained control over access rights.

The latter part of the course is dedicated to OAuth and JWT, starting with an introduction to these concepts and hands-on exercises with tools like the Google OAuth Playground and Java Keytool.

You’ll then build an Authorization Server and Resource Server from scratch, learning to configure JWT settings, register client applications, and customize token behavior.

Throughout the course, you’ll work on real-world projects, with code walkthroughs and integration testing to reinforce your learning.

Quizzes and assignments are provided to test your understanding at regular intervals.

Java Spring Security

Java Spring Security

The course starts by introducing you to Spring Security and guiding you through the setup process.

You’ll learn what Spring Security is and how to get started with it.

Once you have the basics down, the course dives into customization.

You’ll learn how to add a login page, encode passwords, create a user details service, implement user details, and test your user details service.

These are crucial skills for working with Spring Security effectively.

The course then moves on to finishing up the core concepts.

You’ll learn about databases, cross-site request forgery, how to log out, and how to use the @AuthenticationPrincipal and @Secured annotations.

These topics will give you a well-rounded understanding of Spring Security.

Additionally, the course includes bonus topics like adding method-level security and concurrent session management.

While these are marked as bonus content, they cover important advanced concepts that can be valuable depending on your needs.

Keycloak : Single Sign On with Spring Boot & Spring Security

Keycloak : Single Sign On with Spring Boot & Spring Security

The course starts by introducing you to the fundamentals of authentication and authorization, explaining what Single Sign On (SSO) is and giving an overview of Keycloak, an open-source software for identity and access management.

You’ll then dive into setting up your development environment, installing JDK, Maven, STS, and MySQL.

With the basics covered, the course walks you through building a Spring Boot application with Spring Security and Thymeleaf.

You’ll learn how to create a login page, configure Spring Security, use UserDetailsService, implement password encoding, create a user home page, and handle authorization, access denied pages, and logout functionality.

Once you have a solid understanding of Spring Security, the course shifts its focus to Keycloak.

You’ll learn why Keycloak is useful, how to run it, and how to set it up with a MySQL database as the data source.

The instructor guides you through exploring the Keycloak Admin Console, creating realms and clients, managing users, and assigning roles.

The real meat of the course comes when you integrate Keycloak with your Spring Boot application and Spring Security.

You’ll configure Keycloak with Spring Boot, set up Keycloak configuration with Spring Security, and troubleshoot any issues that may arise with the latest version of Spring Boot.

By the end, you’ll have a working application that demonstrates Single Sign On (SSO) in action using Keycloak.

To solidify your learning, the course includes a bonus lecture and an additional exercise where you’ll prepare a second application following the same approach.

This hands-on experience will reinforce the concepts you’ve learned and help you become proficient in using Keycloak for SSO with Spring Boot and Spring Security.

Spring Security Core: Beginner to Guru

Spring Security Core: Beginner to Guru

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to Spring Security, covering essential topics for securing web applications.

You will learn how to implement various authentication mechanisms, including HTTP Basic Authentication, database authentication, and custom authentication filters.

The course dives deep into password security, teaching you about password encoding techniques like BCrypt and how to implement delegating password encoders.

You will also learn how to configure authorization rules based on user roles and authorities, enabling you to control access to specific resources and functionalities within your application.

The course covers crucial security features like CSRF protection, login forms, and remember-me functionality.

Additionally, you will explore advanced topics such as user lockout mechanisms using Spring Security events, two-factor authentication with Google Authenticator, and Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) configuration.

Throughout the course, you will work with practical examples, write tests using JUnit 5 and MockMVC, and gain hands-on experience with Spring Security’s Java configuration.

The course also includes sections on setting up your development environment, using GitHub for version control, and leveraging tools like IntelliJ IDEA.

You will have access to a dedicated Slack group for discussions and support.

JSON Web Token (JWT) with Spring Security And Angular

JSON Web Token (JWT) with Spring Security And Angular

The course starts by introducing the application structure, explaining the front-end, back-end, data store, and cloud concepts.

You’ll learn about the application domain, including user management, custom HTTP responses, and Spring Security integration.

The course dives deep into security aspects like authentication, authorization, and JSON Web Tokens (JWT).

You’ll implement JWT authentication, configure security settings, handle exceptions, and mitigate brute-force attacks.

For user management, you’ll build registration, login, and password reset functionality, including email notifications.

The course covers creating a user service, resource, and API testing.

On the front-end, you’ll create an Angular app, authentication service, user service, interceptors, guards, and notifications.

The course guides you through building the UI components like login, registration, user list, adding/editing users, resetting passwords, updating profiles, and handling images.

You’ll learn techniques like reporting upload progress, searching user lists, and modifying the UI based on user roles.

Finally, you’ll deploy the application to AWS, creating an EC2 instance, configuring the Spring Boot app, and deploying the Angular app.

The course wraps up with advice on becoming a software engineer.

Spring Security Master Class

Spring Security Master Class

You will start by learning the fundamentals of application security, including authentication and authorization concepts.

The course then dives into the core features of Spring Security, teaching you how to implement basic security configurations, customize authentication and authorization, and leverage various authentication providers like JDBC, JPA, and MongoDB.

One of the key strengths of this course is its hands-on approach.

You will work with a sample application throughout the course, gradually enhancing its security features.

This practical experience will help you understand how to apply the concepts you learn to real-world scenarios.

The course covers a wide range of topics, including:

  1. Implementing basic security configurations with Spring Security
  2. Customizing the login and logout experience
  3. Configuring role-based and expression-based access controls
  4. Displaying user information and conditionally rendering content
  5. Debugging and testing Spring Security applications using MockMvc
  6. Extending Spring Security’s authentication support with custom implementations
  7. Leveraging JDBC, JPA, and MongoDB for authentication and authorization
  8. Securing passwords with bcrypt encoding

Additionally, you will learn how to integrate Spring Security with other Spring projects like Spring Data and Spring MVC.

The course also touches on important security concepts like transport-layer security (TLS) and the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) guidelines.

Throughout the course, you will have access to extensive documentation, including JavaDocs and Markdown files, as well as code quality metrics from SonarCloud.

The instructor provides clear explanations and encourages you to ask questions, ensuring that you have a solid understanding of the material.

Learning Path: Spring: Secure Your Apps with Spring Security

Learning Path: Spring: Secure Your Apps with Spring Security

You will start by understanding the fundamentals of Spring Security, its core components, and the advantages it offers.

The course covers authentication mechanisms like form login, basic and digest authentication, and remember-me authentication.

You’ll learn how to handle logouts, implement CSRF protection, and authorize requests based on roles and permissions.

The course dives deep into the Spring Security filter chain, teaching you how to create and register custom filters.

Moving on, you’ll explore advanced topics like method-level security, password encoding techniques, session management, and customizing HTTP response headers.

The course also covers expression-based access control using Spring Expression Language.

The second part of the course focuses on integrating Spring Security with LDAP for authentication and authorization.

You’ll learn to configure and connect to embedded LDAP servers like ApacheDS and Active Directory.

Additionally, you’ll gain insights into SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) and how to configure Spring Security for single sign-on and logout using SAML.

Testing is an essential aspect covered in the course.

You’ll learn how to write test cases for method-level security using MockMvc, a Spring Framework testing utility.

The course guides you through request post-processors, request builders, and result matchers to thoroughly test your Spring Security implementation.

Furthermore, the course introduces you to JaaS (Java Authentication and Authorization Service) and OAuth2, explaining their concepts and how to integrate them with Spring Security.

Throughout the course, you’ll work with practical code examples and demos, ensuring a hands-on learning experience.

By the end, you’ll have a solid understanding of securing your Spring applications using various authentication and authorization mechanisms, integrating with external systems like LDAP and SAML, and testing your security implementations.

Spring Security with JSON Web Token and Refresh Token

Spring Security with JSON Web Token and Refresh Token

The course covers all the essential topics you need to secure your Spring applications using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and refresh tokens.

You’ll start with an introduction to JWT and learn about authentication and authorization concepts.

From there, the course dives into domain models, teaching you how to create and work with JPA repositories for persisting data.

The core of the course focuses on building services and API resources for your application.

You’ll learn how to implement service layers and create RESTful APIs that interact with the database.

Along the way, you’ll see how to handle data in the database.

But the real highlight is the comprehensive coverage of Spring Security.

You’ll learn how to configure security, implement authentication filters to validate JWT tokens, and create authorization filters to protect your APIs based on user roles and permissions.

The course even covers refresh tokens, which allow users to obtain new JWT tokens without having to re-authenticate.

Advanced OpenID Connect with Keycloak and Spring Security

Advanced OpenID Connect with Keycloak and Spring Security

This course is a comprehensive guide to mastering OAuth and OpenID Connect using Keycloak and Spring Security.

You’ll start by learning the fundamentals of Keycloak’s architecture, installation, and setup with PostgreSQL.

Next, you’ll dive into the core concepts of OAuth and OpenID Connect, including actors, clients, scopes, tokens, and various grant types.

This section lays the foundation for understanding enterprise-level authentication and authorization protocols.

Moving on, you’ll build a real-world BugTracker application, integrating Keycloak for authorization using scopes.

You’ll learn how to configure Spring Security for OAuth authentication, implement the authorization code grant flow, and secure your application with PKCE.

The course then explores using roles for authorization and handling multiple identity providers like GitLab.

You’ll learn how to map roles in Keycloak, customize authorities in Spring Security, and address challenges that arise with multiple providers.

Microservices are a crucial part of modern applications, and this course covers building OAuth microservices (resource servers) and securing them with Spring Security.

You’ll also learn about the client credentials grant for enterprise schedulers and calling OAuth microservices using introspection.

Authentication identity brokers are another key topic, covering integrations with GitLab and SAML providers like Okta.

You’ll set up identity brokers in Keycloak, configure SAML assertion encryption, and implement global logout with Okta.

Finally, the course explores using OAuth and OpenID Connect together, handling multiple authorization servers simultaneously, and configuring Spring Security for both protocols.

You’ll learn the differences between oauth2Login and oauth2Client, and how to fix common issues like the login page.

Throughout the course, you’ll have hands-on exercises, quizzes, and access to documentation links and downloadable resources to reinforce your learning.

By the end, you’ll be equipped with the skills to build secure, enterprise-grade applications using Keycloak, Spring Security, and industry-standard authentication and authorization protocols.