AZ-400 Designing and Implementing DevOps Certification

AZ-400 Designing and Implementing DevOps Certification

You’ll start by learning the fundamentals of DevOps, including project lifecycles, agile methodologies, and the Scrum process.

The course then dives into configuring processes and communications in Azure DevOps, covering user stories, sprints, dashboards, queries, permissions, and integrating with Microsoft Teams.

You’ll learn how to design and implement source control using Git, GitHub, and Azure Repos, including branching strategies, pull requests, and branch policies.

A significant portion focuses on designing and implementing build and release pipelines in Azure Pipelines.

You’ll learn continuous integration, running unit tests, code coverage, parallel jobs, and integrating with GitHub Actions and Jenkins.

For release pipelines, you’ll explore deployment strategies like blue-green, canary, and rolling deployments, using deployment slots, Azure Traffic Manager, and load balancers.

The course covers infrastructure as code using ARM templates, nested and linked templates, Terraform, and Azure CLI.

You’ll learn about package management with Azure Artifacts and testing strategies with Azure Test Plans and Selenium.

Security and compliance are emphasized, covering variables, variable groups, Azure Key Vault, OWASP tools, and GitHub code scanning.

Finally, you’ll learn instrumentation strategies using Azure Monitor, Log Analytics workspaces, Application Insights, and monitoring for Azure Container Instances.

Throughout the course, you’ll work on hands-on labs, quizzes, and practice tests to reinforce your learning.

Azure DevOps Bootcamp: Zero to Hero (Pipelines,Boards,Repos)

Azure DevOps Bootcamp: Zero to Hero (Pipelines,Boards,Repos)

This course starts by introducing you to DevOps concepts, tools, and the Azure DevOps certification (AZ-400).

You’ll learn about cloud computing models like IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS, with a demo on Virtual Machines.

The course then dives into Azure DevOps, covering its various services like Repos, Pipelines, Boards, and Artifacts.

You’ll learn how to create an Azure DevOps account, understand access levels, and explore data protection measures.

The course also clarifies the confusion around Azure DevOps, TFS, VSTS, and Azure DevOps Server.

In the Azure Boards section, you’ll explore agile methodologies like Scrum and Kanban, work with process templates, customize boards, and integrate with tools like Trello.

The Azure Repos module covers version control systems (Git and TFVC), branching strategies, pull requests (squash, semi-linear, rebase), and code reviews.

The extensive Azure Pipelines section covers continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD), YAML pipelines, self-hosted agents, parallel jobs, triggers, variables, service connections (including GitHub), release pipelines, approvals, gates, library groups, task groups, ARM templates, deployment strategies (Blue-Green, Canary), Docker, Azure Container Registry, and integrations with Sonar Cloud and White Source Bolt.

You’ll also learn about Azure DevOps Wiki for documentation, dashboards for data visualization, Azure Artifacts for package management, Azure Test Plans for manual and automated testing, and Azure DevOps administration tasks like notifications, security, and retention policies.

Throughout the course, you’ll have hands-on demos and practice quizzes to reinforce your learning.

AZ-400 Microsoft Azure DevOps Expert - 2020

AZ-400 Microsoft Azure DevOps Expert - 2020

This course starts with an introduction, covering the course structure and roadmap.

You’ll then learn how to set up your project and environment, including creating an Azure DevOps account and configuring Windows or Linux environments.

The course dives deep into continuous integration with Azure Repos.

You’ll explore source control management systems, install Git, create local and remote repositories, and learn branching strategies.

It covers essential concepts like performing code changes, committing, pushing, and creating pull requests.

You’ll also learn about multi-repo setups and importing existing projects.

Building on that foundation, the course teaches you to create build pipelines for continuous integration.

You’ll enable automated builds, configure build triggers and agents, and integrate code analysis tools like SonarCloud.

It demonstrates creating pipelines for various applications, including PHP and Java, and covers technical debt management.

Container builds are a key focus area, with lessons on containerizing .NET Core applications, creating Docker build pipelines, and pushing container images to Azure Container Registry.

For continuous deployment, you’ll learn to create release pipelines, deploy to Azure Web Apps, set up continuous deployment triggers, and manage variables using Azure Key Vaults.

The course covers deployment groups, connecting target servers, stage approvals, and deployment strategies like blue-green and canary releases.

Azure Artifacts is covered in-depth, teaching you to create library projects, manage artifact feeds, publish packages, and consume them in your pipelines.

The course also explores continuous feedback mechanisms, integrating Microsoft Teams with Azure DevOps for repository and pipeline notifications.

Finally, you’ll have access to official Microsoft labs, providing hands-on experience with the concepts covered throughout the course.

AZ-400 Mock Tests

AZ-400 Mock Tests

This course consists of six mock tests, each designed to evaluate your knowledge and skills in different areas covered by the AZ-400 exam.

You’ll start with Mock Test 1, which provides a general overview of the topics you’ll encounter.

As you progress, Mock Test 2 and Mock Test 3 dive deeper into specific domains, allowing you to identify your strengths and weaknesses.

Mock Test 4 and Mock Test 5 further reinforce your understanding by presenting more advanced scenarios and challenges.

The final mock test, Mock Test 6, serves as a comprehensive review, covering all the essential concepts you need to master before taking the actual AZ-400 exam.

Throughout the course, you’ll have the opportunity to test your knowledge through various question formats, including multiple-choice, drag-and-drop, and case studies.

One of the key advantages of this course is its focus on providing a realistic testing environment.

Each mock test simulates the actual exam conditions, helping you become familiar with the format, time constraints, and types of questions you’ll encounter.

This hands-on approach ensures that you’ll feel confident and well-prepared when you sit for the AZ-400 certification exam.

Microsoft AZ-400 Azure DevOps Exam Mock Tests & Case Studies

Microsoft AZ-400 Azure DevOps Exam Mock Tests & Case Studies

This course offers a comprehensive set of mock tests and case studies to prepare you for the exam.

The first mock test, “AZ-400: Designing & Implementing Microsoft DevOps Test #1,” provides a thorough evaluation of your understanding of DevOps principles and practices.

You’ll encounter questions that challenge your ability to design and implement Azure DevOps solutions, ensuring you’re well-prepared for the real exam.

Building on the first test, “AZ-400: Designing & Implementing Microsoft DevOps Test #2” delves deeper into the intricacies of Azure DevOps.

This mock test covers advanced topics and scenarios, helping you identify areas where you need further study or practice.

The third mock test, “AZ-400: Designing & Implementing Microsoft DevOps Test #3,” presents you with a diverse range of questions that test your problem-solving skills and ability to apply DevOps concepts in real-world situations.

This test ensures you’re ready to tackle complex challenges you may encounter in the actual exam.

Finally, “AZ-400: Designing & Implementing Microsoft DevOps Test #4” provides a comprehensive review of all the topics covered in the previous tests.

This mock test allows you to reinforce your knowledge and identify any remaining gaps before taking the certification exam.

In addition to the mock tests, the course includes a case study, “Microsoft AZ-400 Azure DevOps Solutions Case Study #1.”

This case study presents a realistic scenario where you’ll need to design and implement an Azure DevOps solution.

You’ll have the opportunity to apply your knowledge and skills in a practical setting, further enhancing your preparedness for the exam.

AZ-400 Practice Tests: Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions Exam

AZ-400 Practice Tests: Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions Exam

This course is designed as a series of practice tests to prepare you for the AZ-400: Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions certification exam.

Right from the start, you’ll dive into quiz-style questions that cover the core concepts and skills tested on the actual exam.

The questions are structured to mirror the exam format, helping you get comfortable with the types of scenarios and problems you’ll encounter.

As you progress through the course, you’ll tackle topics like implementing DevOps processes with Microsoft Azure.

This includes areas like planning for DevOps, utilizing source control, facilitating communication and collaboration, defining and implementing continuous integration, and managing infrastructure as code.

The course also covers key DevOps skills specific to Azure, such as provisioning Azure resources, configuring Azure pipelines, and implementing security and compliance policies.

You’ll learn how to integrate various Azure services and tools into your DevOps workflows seamlessly.

With each practice test, you’ll receive detailed explanations for the correct answers, allowing you to reinforce your understanding and identify areas that need further study.

The course provides a hands-on, practical approach to mastering the Azure DevOps concepts and techniques assessed in the certification exam.

Microsoft Azure AZ400-Exam Simulator (DevOps Solutions) Exam

Microsoft Azure AZ400-Exam Simulator (DevOps Solutions) Exam

This course consists of five practice exam simulators specifically designed for the AZ-400 Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions certification.

The first simulator allows you to test your knowledge and identify areas for improvement.

The second simulator provides another opportunity to practice and reinforce your understanding of the exam topics.

With the third simulator, you can further hone your skills and gain confidence.

The fourth simulator continues the practice, ensuring you’re well-prepared for the actual exam.

Finally, the fifth simulator serves as a comprehensive final review, helping you solidify your grasp of Microsoft Azure, DevOps principles, and the exam content.

Throughout the course, you’ll encounter questions and scenarios that simulate the real AZ-400 exam experience.

Practice Test for AZ-400 IT Certification Exam Preparation

Practice Test for AZ-400 IT Certification Exam Preparation

The course provides multiple-choice question and answer tests to help increase your confidence for the certification exam.

You’ll find two separate practice tests covering the DevOps concepts and skills assessed in the AZ-400 exam.

Each test allows you to solve MCQ-based questions and get a feel for the types of questions you’ll encounter on the actual certification test.

The practice tests are a great way to identify areas where you need further study before taking the Azure DevOps Engineer certification exam.

The course focuses specifically on providing practice tests, rather than comprehensive training content.

However, working through real exam-style questions is an excellent way to reinforce your understanding of DevOps principles, Azure DevOps tools and services, and implementing DevOps processes.

You can use the tests to gauge your readiness and pinpoint topics to review before sitting for the AZ-400 certification.

AZ-400: Microsoft Azure DevOps Engineer Expert 2024

AZ-400: Microsoft Azure DevOps Engineer Expert 2024

The course covers a wide range of topics through a series of practice tests.

You’ll start with Practice Test 1, which will introduce you to the fundamentals of Azure DevOps.

As you progress, Practice Tests 2 and 3 will dive deeper into more advanced concepts.

Once you’ve built a solid foundation, Practice Test 4 will challenge you with real-world scenarios and practical applications.

This hands-on approach ensures that you not only understand the theory but can also apply it effectively in your work.

Practice Test 5 will further solidify your knowledge, preparing you for the final Practice Test 6, which serves as a comprehensive review of everything you’ve learned.

The practice tests are designed to simulate the actual AZ-400 exam, giving you a realistic experience and helping you identify areas where you need to focus your studies.

With each test, you’ll gain confidence and be better equipped to tackle the certification exam.

AZ-400 Designing and Implementing DevOps Solutions Exam 2023

AZ-400 Designing and Implementing DevOps Solutions Exam 2023

This course covers a comprehensive range of topics through quizzes and tests.

You’ll start with a full-length test to assess your current knowledge.

This initial test helps identify areas where you need to focus your studies.

After going through the course material, you can take two more full tests to gauge your progress and readiness for the actual AZ-400 exam.

In addition to the full tests, the course includes quizzes to reinforce your understanding of specific concepts.

These quizzes cover various aspects of DevOps, such as URLs, tests, and other related topics.

By practicing with these quizzes, you’ll solidify your grasp of the material and better prepare for the exam questions.

The course is structured in a way that allows you to track your learning journey effectively.

You can review your performance on the quizzes and tests, identify areas that need more attention, and focus your efforts accordingly.

This iterative approach ensures that you thoroughly understand the concepts and are well-prepared for the AZ-400 certification exam.