Google Ads is a powerful platform for businesses to reach potential customers through targeted advertising.

With Google Ads, you can create and manage campaigns that display your ads on Google Search, YouTube, and other websites across the Google Display Network.

By learning how to use Google Ads effectively, you can reach a vast audience, drive more traffic to your website, and ultimately boost your sales and conversions.

Finding a great Google Ads course can be a challenge, with so many options available on Udemy.

You’re looking for a course that’s comprehensive, engaging, and taught by experienced professionals who can help you master the intricacies of this powerful platform.

We’ve carefully reviewed numerous Udemy courses and have identified The #1 Google Ads Course For 2023: Beginner To Expert as the best overall course.

This course stands out for its comprehensive coverage, covering everything from the basics to advanced strategies and techniques.

The instructor provides clear explanations and practical examples, making it easy to learn and apply the knowledge to real-world scenarios.

While this is our top pick, there are other great options available on Udemy.

Keep reading to discover our recommendations for different learning styles and goals, from beginner-friendly introductions to advanced courses focused on specific Google Ads features and campaign types.

Ultimate Google Ads Training 2021: Profit with Pay Per Click

Ultimate Google Ads Training 2021: Profit with Pay Per Click

Throughout the course, you’ll gain a deep understanding of how to create and optimize campaigns that generate clicks and conversions.

The course starts with an introduction to Google Ads, explaining where ads show up and how the platform works.

You’ll learn to create your first Google Ads account and understand the account hierarchy.

The instructor covers essential topics like setting up campaigns, configuring location targeting, and choosing the right bidding strategies.

Next, you’ll discover how to structure your ad groups effectively and write compelling ad copy that grabs attention and drives clicks.

The course delves into the importance of keywords, teaching you how to conduct thorough keyword research using tools like Google Keyword Planner and SEMrush.

You’ll learn about different keyword match types and how to organize your keywords for maximum relevance.

The course also covers the intricacies of the Google Ads auction system and how Quality Score impacts your ad rankings and costs.

You’ll gain insights into improving your Quality Score through factors like click-through rate, ad relevance, and landing page experience.

As you progress, you’ll learn advanced techniques for expanding and refining your campaigns.

The instructor shows you how to navigate the Google Ads dashboard, edit campaign settings, and create custom ad schedules.

You’ll also discover the power of negative keywords in refining your targeting and reducing wasted spend.

The course emphasizes the importance of ad extensions in making your ads stand out and providing additional information to potential customers.

You’ll learn how to set up and optimize various extensions like sitelinks, callouts, and phone extensions.

Remarketing is another key topic covered in the course.

You’ll understand how remarketing works and how to create remarketing audiences to target people who have previously interacted with your website.

This powerful strategy can help you convert more visitors into customers.

To track your profits and measure the success of your campaigns, the course teaches you how to set up conversion tracking.

You’ll learn to track various actions like form submissions and phone calls, enabling you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your bids.

The instructor also shares profitable bidding strategies, showing you how to calculate return on investment (ROI) and return on ad spend (ROAS).

You’ll learn to set the right max CPC bids based on your conversion rates and revenue per click.

In addition to the core curriculum, the course includes bonus material on using Google Ads scripts to automate optimizations and save time.

You’ll learn how to implement scripts that adjust bids based on average position and other factors.

Throughout the course, the instructor provides practical examples, case studies, and exercises to reinforce your learning.

You’ll have access to downloadable resources like the Google Ads Formula Calculator and course slides.

By the end of this comprehensive course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge to create, manage, and optimize Google Ads campaigns that drive targeted traffic and generate profits for your business.

Google Ads for Beginners

The course begins by introducing you to the basics of Google Ads, including key concepts like Ad Rank and how it determines the placement and visibility of your ads.

You’ll learn about the importance of landing pages and see examples of well-designed pages that effectively convert visitors into customers.

As you progress, the course dives into the structure of Google Ads accounts, explaining the difference between campaigns and ad groups.

You’ll discover how to target your ads by location, language, and other criteria, ensuring that your ads reach the right audience.

The course also covers setting budgets and bids, giving you control over your advertising spend.

Creating compelling ads is a crucial skill, and this course dedicates an entire section to the art of ad creation.

You’ll learn how to write effective headlines, descriptions, and URLs, and explore different ad styles to find what works best for your business.

The course also teaches you how to use dynamic keyword insertion to make your ads more relevant to users’ search queries.

To help you find the right keywords for your campaigns, the course introduces you to tools like the Google Keyword Planner and shows you how to use Google Analytics to uncover keyword opportunities based on your website’s organic traffic.

Once your campaigns are up and running, the course focuses on optimization techniques to improve their performance.

You’ll learn how to optimize campaign settings, conduct A/B testing, and use ad extensions to enhance your ads’ visibility and effectiveness.

The course also emphasizes the importance of monitoring click-through rates and using negative keywords to refine your targeting.

Beyond search ads, the course explores the Google Display Network and remarketing strategies.

You’ll discover how to create display campaigns using image ads and target users who have previously interacted with your website, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Throughout the course, you’ll find practical walk-throughs using live Google Ads accounts, giving you hands-on experience with the platform.

The instructor provides links to additional resources and tools, such as banner design services and negative keyword lists, to support your learning and implementation.

Google Ads For Beginners 2024 - Step By Step Process

This course takes you on a journey from setting up your first Google Ads account to optimizing your campaigns for better performance.

You’ll start by learning the basics of Google Ads, including where ads appear and how the Google account hierarchy works.

The course then guides you through the process of setting up your account, targeting the right locations, and selecting appropriate budgets and bidding strategies.

Keyword research is a crucial aspect of any successful Google Ads campaign, and this course dedicates an entire section to help you master it.

You’ll learn how to find the right keywords to target using tools like the Keyword Planner and SEMRush, organize your keywords by themes, and effectively use match types and negative keywords to refine your targeting.

Creating compelling ads is another essential skill you’ll develop in this course.

You’ll discover best practices for writing killer ad text and learn how to create your first Google Ad.

The course also covers advanced topics like ad rotation and scheduling to help you get the most out of your campaigns.

Understanding bidding strategies is key to optimizing your Google Ads performance, and this course explains them in detail.

You’ll learn about various strategies like Target CPA, Target ROAS, Maximize Clicks, and Manual CPC, empowering you to choose the right approach for your specific goals.

The course also dives into the dynamics of Google Ads, helping you understand crucial concepts like Quality Score and Ad Rank.

You’ll learn how these factors influence your ad performance and costs, and when you can safely ignore low Quality Scores.

Ad extensions are a powerful way to enhance your ads and improve their visibility and performance.

This course teaches you about the different types of ad extensions available and how to add them to your ads, including sitelinks, callouts, call extensions, and location extensions.

Tracking conversions is essential for measuring the success of your Google Ads campaigns, and this course shows you how to set up conversion tracking for form submissions, phone calls, and even ecommerce transactions using Google Analytics.

Finally, the course covers campaign optimization techniques based on keyword data, ad performance, devices, and scheduling.

By applying these insights, you’ll be able to continually refine your campaigns for better results.

Throughout the course, you’ll have the opportunity to test your knowledge with quizzes and reinforce your learning with word tracks.

2024 Google Ads (AdWords) Course - From Beginner to PRO

2024 Google Ads (AdWords) Course - From Beginner to PRO

You’ll start by discovering the secrets to Google Ads success and understanding how Quality Score impacts your ad ranking and costs.

The course then dives into keyword research, teaching you how to find, evaluate, and calculate the costs for the best keywords for your campaigns.

Real-world examples from various industries like legal services, insurance, finance, real estate, education, and travel provide practical insights.

Before creating your first campaign, the course guides you through setting up your Google Ads account, including billing, invoicing, and user access.

You’ll then learn how to create Search campaigns using the new 2024 template, covering everything from bidding strategies and location targeting to ad creation and asset selection.

The course also covers Display campaigns in depth, teaching you how to target people based on interests, demographics, and remarketing.

You’ll learn how to create compelling responsive display ads and image ads that grab attention.

In addition to Search and Display, the course explores other campaign types like Performance Max, YouTube ads, and Sequence video ads.

You’ll learn how to create and optimize these campaigns for maximum impact.

Tracking and analyzing your campaigns is crucial, and the course dedicates an entire section to Google Ads analytics and performance tracking.

You’ll learn about the top 14 metrics to monitor, how to compare ad sets and keywords, and gain insights into your competition.

For those using the 2023 template, the course provides step-by-step guides for creating Search, Display, and Remarketing campaigns.

You’ll also learn advanced techniques like using Dynamic Keyword Insertion and creating successful ads by analyzing real-life examples from the US, Australia, Canada, India, and Egypt.

The course also covers Shopping campaigns, guiding you on how to create and optimize them for specific products.

You’ll learn about True View ads on YouTube and how to measure their success.

To prepare you for the Google Ads certification, the course includes practice exams and quizzes to test your knowledge.

For agencies managing multiple accounts, there’s a section dedicated to handling them effectively.

Throughout the course, you’ll find answers to common questions, like how to exclude mobile app ads, use manual or automated bidding, connect Google Analytics, and more.

The course also provides a glossary of digital marketing terms to help you navigate the jargon.

The Complete Google Ads Masterclass (Former Google AdWords)

The Complete Google Ads Masterclass (Former Google AdWords)

The course starts with the basics, walking you through setting up your Google Ads account and explaining the structure of campaigns.

You’ll gain a deeper understanding of key concepts like networks, location targeting, languages, audiences, budgeting, and bidding.

As you progress, the course dives into more advanced topics.

You’ll learn how to set up conversion tracking to measure the success of your campaigns.

The course places a strong emphasis on keywords, with several lectures dedicated to keyword research, planning, and organization.

You’ll discover how to use the different keyword match types effectively and harness the power of negative keywords to refine your targeting.

The course also explores the intricacies of ranking and bidding, explaining important factors like Quality Score and Ad Rank that influence the performance and cost of your ads.

You’ll learn how to calculate your max CPC bid to optimize your spending.

In addition to search ads, the course covers YouTube Ads in depth.

You’ll understand the different video ad formats, bidding strategies, and targeting options to make the most of this powerful platform.

The course also touches on additional features like managing multiple accounts (MCC), split testing, and remarketing to take your Google Ads skills to the next level.

But The Complete Google Ads Masterclass goes beyond just the technical aspects.

It also includes valuable sections on sales psychology and copywriting.

You’ll learn persuasion techniques, how to write compelling headlines and subheads, and craft effective calls-to-action (CTAs).

The course even introduces the AIDA model to help you grab and retain people’s attention.

Google Ads Masterclass (AdWords): Grow with Google Ads

This comprehensive course is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively harness the power of Google Ads and drive your business growth.

From the very beginning, the course immerses you in the world of Google Ads.

You’ll start by setting up your own Google Ads account, a crucial step in your journey to mastering online advertising.

The instructors guide you through the interface, ensuring you understand the key components and how they work together to create successful campaigns.

One of the standout features of this course is its focus on finding the best keywords for your business.

You’ll dive deep into the Google Keyword Planner, learning how to uncover high-value keywords that resonate with your target audience.

By incorporating these carefully chosen keywords into your ads and content, you can significantly boost your visibility and attract potential customers.

The course takes a hands-on approach, walking you through the process of creating various types of ads, including search ads, display ads, and video ads.

You’ll learn how to craft compelling ad copy, select relevant keywords, and optimize your campaigns for maximum impact.

The instructors provide real-world examples and case studies, making it easy to understand how these strategies can be applied to your own business.

The course delves into advanced topics like audience targeting, bidding strategies, and conversion tracking.

You’ll discover how to refine your target audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviors, ensuring your ads reach the right people at the right time.

The instructors explain the different bidding options available and help you choose the most effective strategy for your goals and budget.

One of the most valuable aspects of this course is its emphasis on data analysis and reporting.

You’ll learn how to interpret the wealth of data provided by Google Ads, using it to make informed decisions and optimize your campaigns for better results.

The instructors show you how to set up conversion tracking, measure your return on investment, and use the insights gained to continuously improve your advertising efforts.

Throughout the course, you’ll have access to a supportive community of fellow learners and experienced instructors.

The course encourages active participation, allowing you to ask questions, share your experiences, and learn from others.

This collaborative environment fosters a deeper understanding of the material and provides valuable networking opportunities.

Advanced Google Ads Training: Master Strategies & Techniques

Advanced Google Ads Training: Master Strategies & Techniques

The course dives deep into advanced strategies and techniques that can help you optimize your Google Ads campaigns for better performance and ROI.

One of the key areas the course covers is testing ad concepts rather than just ad copy.

You’ll learn how to set up labels and report on ad concepts to identify winning ideas that can be applied across your entire account.

This approach goes beyond simple A/B testing and provides a more comprehensive way to test and optimize your ads.

The course also teaches you how to leverage the Google Ads Paid & Organic Interaction Report to identify opportunities for both SEO and Google Ads.

You’ll learn how to link Google Ads with Search Console, manipulate the report data in Excel, and identify search term opportunities for both channels.

This can help you make more informed decisions about bidding on branded keywords and optimizing your overall search strategy.

For local businesses, the course covers the ideal targeting method using a double campaign structure.

You’ll see a practical example inside Google Ads of how to set this up, including ad group setup, to effectively target users looking for products or services in a specific location.

Another powerful feature of Google Ads that the course explores is Campaign Experiments.

You’ll learn how to set up, implement, analyze, and apply drafts and experiments to optimize your campaigns.

The course provides example experiment ideas and walks you through the process of setting up a draft and experiment, analyzing the results, and applying or rolling back changes based on the data.

The course also includes a free Google Spreadsheet template that can help you automate budgeting for multiple ad accounts.

You’ll learn how to input data, read the sheet output, and adjust daily budgets based on the results.

In addition to these topics, the course covers how to conduct a thorough Google Ads audit to uncover common issues and optimize your account structure, campaign settings, ad groups, and more.

You’ll also learn about remarketing strategies and implementation, including GDN remarketing, RLSA, Customer Match, Dynamic Remarketing, and Lookalike Audiences.

The course explores the role of artificial intelligence and machine learning in Google Ads, discussing how to utilize these technologies through features like auto-rotate for budgets and ads, Dynamic Search Ads, Smart Bidding strategies, and data-driven attribution models.

You’ll also learn how to leverage Google Analytics to enhance your Google Ads performance, including linking the two platforms, setting up conversion tracking and goals, creating remarketing segments, and using attribution models to better understand your customer journey.

The course even covers advanced topics like using scripts to automate tasks and improve reporting, working with the Google Ads Editor for offline management, and utilizing competitor research tools like Auction Insights and SEMrush.

Finally, the course discusses the benefits of using landing page software like Unbounce to create optimized, high-converting landing pages for your Google Ads campaigns.

Google Ads Mastery course 2023

This course takes you on a journey from the basics to advanced strategies, ensuring you gain a deep understanding of how to effectively utilize Google Ads for your advertising needs.

The course begins with a solid foundation, introducing you to the fundamentals of Google Ads and guiding you through setting up your account from scratch.

You’ll learn about the hierarchy of MCC (My Client Center), ad accounts, and campaigns, which is crucial for managing multiple clients or projects efficiently.

As you progress, you’ll dive into creating your first search campaign, where you’ll learn how to set up targeting options, bidding strategies, and ad extensions.

The course also covers essential concepts like Ad Rank and Quality Score, which are key factors in determining your ad’s visibility and cost-per-click (CPC).

One of the strengths of this course is its focus on practical application.

You’ll work on structuring ad groups, researching keywords using the Keyword Planner, and understanding keyword match types.

The course also teaches you how to write compelling search ads and utilize negative keywords to refine your targeting.

Beyond search campaigns, the course explores remarketing and conversion tracking, which are essential for retargeting previous visitors and measuring the effectiveness of your ads.

You’ll learn how to create and set up conversion pixels and remarketing campaigns to maximize your return on investment.

The course also covers advanced topics like Performance Max campaigns, which use machine learning to optimize ad delivery across multiple Google platforms.

You’ll learn how to set up and manage these campaigns effectively.

If you’re interested in promoting mobile apps, the course has you covered with a dedicated section on App Campaigns.

You’ll learn about ACi (App Campaigns for installs) and ACe (App Campaigns for engagement) campaigns, including conversion setup and audience creation.

The course also touches on Firebase and Mobile Measurement Partners (MMPs) for app tracking and attribution.

Finally, the course dives into YouTube Ads, covering various ad formats like skippable in-stream, non-skippable, bumper ads, and more.

You’ll learn how to create and optimize YouTube campaigns to reach your target audience effectively.

Throughout the course, you’ll work with real-world examples and gain hands-on experience, ensuring you can apply your knowledge to your own campaigns.

The instructor’s expertise and clear explanations make even complex concepts easy to grasp.

The #1 Google Ads Course For 2023: Beginner To Expert

The #1 Google Ads Course For 2023: Beginner To Expert

The course starts with an introduction to Google Ads, explaining what it is and how it’s used to drive people through the marketing funnel.

You’ll learn about the different campaign types, ad formats, and bidding strategies available in Google Ads, as well as the importance of naming conventions and key metrics like ROAS and CPA.

Next, you’ll dive into setting up your Google Ads account and installing conversion tracking pixels to measure your campaign performance.

The course then takes a deep dive into Search campaigns, covering keyword targeting, ad copy creation, and campaign building.

You’ll also learn how to use various ad extensions to make your ads more engaging and improve click-through rates.

One of the standout features of this course is the section on Google Ads Editor, a powerful tool that allows you to create and edit campaigns on a mass level, saving you valuable time.

You’ll learn how to navigate the platform and use bulksheets to upload thousands of campaigns, ad groups, and ads efficiently.

The course also covers Shopping campaigns in depth, from setting up your Google Merchant Center account to creating manual and automated product feeds.

You’ll discover how to link your Merchant Center to Google Ads and build high-performing Shopping campaigns, including the new Performance Max campaign type.

Display and Discovery campaigns are also covered, with lessons on audience targeting, ad formats, and optimization strategies.

You’ll even learn how to create and optimize YouTube campaigns to reach your target audience through video ads.

Beyond just Google Ads, the course touches on the importance of website conversion rate optimization, providing tips and examples of what makes a strong converting website.

Throughout the course, you’ll learn how to optimize your campaigns for better performance, with lessons on demographic, location, keyword, and bid strategy optimizations.

Easy YouTube Google Ads - Marketing and Advertising Traffic

Easy YouTube Google Ads  - Marketing and Advertising Traffic

If you’re searching for the best Google Ads courses, “Easy YouTube Google Ads - Marketing and Advertising Traffic” is a comprehensive and beginner-friendly option to consider.

This course takes you on a journey from setting up your Google Ads account to optimizing your campaigns for maximum return on investment.

In the first week, you’ll dive into the basics of paid advertising, learning the simple math behind it and the differences between Facebook and Google Ads.

You’ll also discover the various YouTube ad formats and common mistakes to avoid.

Week 2 focuses on setting up your Google Ads and YouTube accounts, ensuring you have a solid foundation.

In Week 3, you’ll master the art of research, exploring the three main targeting options: keywords, placements, and topics.

Through detailed walkthroughs, you’ll learn how to find the most effective targets for your ads.

Creating compelling video ads is the focus of Week 4.

You’ll analyze successful ads in various niches and learn how to craft your own using proven templates.

Week 5 dives into the importance of landing pages and email marketing.

You’ll discover the key differences between websites and landing pages, and how to set up an effective email sequence to nurture leads.

In Week 6, you’ll learn how to structure your Google Ads campaigns for maximum efficiency.

Through a series of “speed runs,” you’ll set up campaigns targeting keywords, placements, and topics.

Finally, Week 7 is all about optimization.

You’ll learn how to analyze your campaign data, troubleshoot common problems, and scale your winning campaigns.

Throughout the course, you’ll gain access to top-secret strategies and advanced techniques used by successful advertisers.