Does Random Forest Need Feature Scaling or Normalization?

If you are using Random Forest as your machine learning model, you don’t need to worry about scaling or normalizing your features. Random Forest is a tree-based model and hence does not require feature scaling. Tree-based models are invariant to the scale of the features, which makes them very user-friendly as this step can be skipped during preprocessing. Still, in practice you can see different results when you scale your features because of the way numerical values are represented in computers....

June 29, 2023 · 5 min · Mario Filho

StandardScaler vs MinMaxScaler: What's the Difference?

The main differences between StandardScaler and MinMaxScaler lie in the way they scale the data, the range of values they produce, and the specific applications they’re suited for. StandardScaler subtracts the mean from each data point and then divides the result by the standard deviation. This results in a dataset with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. MinMaxScaler, on the other hand, subtracts the minimum value from each data point and then divides the result by the difference between the maximum and minimum values....

June 23, 2023 · 7 min · Mario Filho

Do Neural Networks Need Feature Scaling Or Normalization?

In short, feature scaling or normalization is not strictly required for neural networks, but it is highly recommended. Scaling or normalizing the input features can be the difference between a neural network that converges in a few iterations and one that takes hundreds of iterations to converge or even fails to converge at all. The optimization process may become slower because the gradients in the direction of the larger-scale features will be significantly larger than the gradients in the direction of the smaller-scale features....

April 4, 2023 · 8 min · Mario Filho

Does SVM Need Feature Scaling Or Normalization?

In Support Vector Machines (SVM), feature scaling or normalization are not strictly required, but are highly recommended, as it can significantly improve model performance and convergence speed. SVM tries to find the optimal hyperplane that separates the data points of different classes with the maximum margin. If the features are on different scales, the hyperplane will be heavily influenced by the features with larger values, potentially leading to suboptimal results....

April 1, 2023 · 5 min · Mario Filho

Does Linear Regression Require Feature Scaling?

In linear regression, feature scaling is not strictly required but can be beneficial in certain situations. When using gradient descent-based optimization algorithms, feature scaling can help speed up convergence and improve model performance. However, when employing a closed-form solution like the normal equation, feature scaling is not necessary, as the algorithm naturally handles features with different scales In this tutorial, we will explore the impact of feature scaling on linear regressions’s performance using the Red Wine dataset as an example....

March 28, 2023 · 5 min · Mario Filho

Does Logistic Regression Require Feature Scaling?

To put it simply, feature scaling is not required for logistic regression, but it can be beneficial in a number of scenarios. It helps improve the convergence of gradient-based optimization algorithms and ensures that regularization techniques, like L1 and L2, are applied uniformly across all features. Another advantage to scaling is that it can help with the interpretation of the model coefficients. In this tutorial, we will explore the impact of feature scaling on logistic regression’s performance using the Red Wine dataset as an example....

March 27, 2023 · 6 min · Mario Filho

Is Feature Scaling Required for the KNN Algorithm?

To put it simply, yes, feature scaling is crucial for the KNN algorithm, as it helps in preventing features with larger magnitudes from dominating the distance calculations. Feature scaling is an essential step in the data preprocessing pipeline, especially for distance-based algorithms like the KNN. In this tutorial, we will explore the impact of feature scaling on the algorithm’s performance using the Red Wine dataset as an example. Why Feature Scaling Is Important For KNN Distance-based algorithms, such as the KNN, calculate the distance between data points to determine their similarity....

March 25, 2023 · 5 min · Mario Filho

Do Decision Trees Need Feature Scaling Or Normalization?

In general, no. Decision trees are not sensitive to feature scaling because their splits don’t change with any monotonic transformation. Normalization is not necessary either, but it can change your results because it’s not monotonic, as we’ll see later. That said, the numerical implementation of a specific library may make your decision tree predictions change if you don’t scale or normalize your data. This is usually a very small change, that you don’t need to worry about, but it’s good to know if you find yourself in a situation where you need to explain why your predictions are different....

March 24, 2023 · 5 min · Mario Filho

Does XGBoost Need Feature Scaling Or Normalization?

If you are using XGBoost with decision trees as your base model, you don’t need to worry about scaling or normalizing your features. Decision trees are not sensitive to the scale of the features. In practice, I have seen very minor differences in score by scaling[features for decision trees, but these are due to numerical computing implementations and not significant in practice. If you are using XGBoost with linear models as base models, it is a good idea to scale or normalize the features....

December 30, 2022 · 7 min · Mario Filho